Global Advocacy for Physical Activity (GAPA)

GAPA Postcard


Global Advocacy Council for Physical Activity, International Society for Physical Activity and Health.




GAPA's postcard is an important resource for communicating key messages and encouraging policy makers to act now on physical activity for better health and wellbeing.

Download a copy of the GAPA postcard visit

Investments that work for Physical Activity


Global Advocacy Council for Physical Activity, International Society for Physical Activity and Health.




Non Communicable Disease Prevention: Investments that Work for Physical Activity has been written by GAPA (Global Advocacy for Physical Activity) as a complementary document to the Toronto Charter for Physical Activity: A Global Call for Action. Investments that Work identifies seven best investments to increase population levels of physical activity which, if applied at sufficient scale will make a significant contribution to reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases and promote population health. In addition, these investments will contribute to improving the quality of life and the environments in which we live.

Download a copy of Investments that Work now available in English, French and Spanish. For all other languages, please click here

Toronto Charter for Physical Activity : A Global Call for Action


Global Advocacy Council for Physical Activity, International Society for Physical Activity and Health.




The Toronto Charter for Physical Activity is an advocacy tool designed to help elevate the importance of physical activity as a policy priority throughout the world. The Toronto Charter provides a clear framework relevant to all countries on how to initiate or continue national population-based approaches to physical activity. It defines a set of priority areas for action relevant to all sectors and provides a unifying focus for building partnerships and taking joint action. The Charter is an advocacy tool for use by all involved in physical activity at the local, regional and national level.

Download a copy of the Toronto Charter for Physical Activity in English, French and Spanish. For all other 13 languages, please click here.


Other sources

Global Partnering to Promote Physical Activity in the Larger Context of Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Miami 2


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/World Health Organization (CDC/WHO) Collaborating Center Workshop




From January 31 – February 2, 2011, the CDC/WHO Collaborating Center for Physical Activity and Health hosted a three-day workshop entitled “Global Partnering to Promote Physical Activity in the Larger Context of Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Miami 2”.

The purpose of the workshop was to:

  • Reassess physical activity promotion needs globally,

  • Help determine which organizations are best positioned to help with specific activities, and

  • Suggest how adequate funding might be achieved.

Read the report from this meeting


Journals' issues

Lancet series; 18 July 2012


The lancet Series on Physical Activity


On the occasion of the 2012 Olympic Games, The Lancet published a Series on physical activity, including a new analysis that quantifies the global impact of physical inactivity on the world's major non-communicable diseases. The Series also reviews current levels of physical activity and trends worldwide, why some people are active and why some are not, evidence-based strategies for effective physical activity promotion, and how a multi-sector and systems-wide approach that goes way beyond health will be critical to increase population-levels of activity worldwide.

Promotion & Education; 13 (2); June 2006


Promoting physical activity globally


The issue covers global physical activity promotion, including health promotion and surveillance in physical activity-linked to the work in the Southwest Pacific region; global and regional physical activity networks; evidence-based approaches and policy development; and advocacy for physical activity.