Health promotion perspectives and

approaches related to climate change



We are pleased to offer a new training activity for health promotion practitioners, developed and offered with the School of Public Health of the Université de Montréal (ESPUM), Canada



Description of the course

This course aims to provide continuous education of health promotion professionals. It includes three modules presented by four trainers with expertise in the field of climate change with relevance for health promotion. The course supports the development of the health promotion competencies underlying the IUHPE accreditation system.


  • Gain a better understanding of climate change impact on health promotion field, as well as innovative responses and perspectives for health promoters to emphasize transformative action.
  • Learn on core competencies in health promotion based on concrete experiences and case studies from less known contexts of low-and-medium income countries in various regions of the world.
  • Reflect on the applications of core competencies in health promotion practice in various settings (policy making, community mobilization, environmental action).


The training will be presented live, online, through the professional education platform of Université de Montréal to a global audience. Registered participants will connect to Zoom classroom.

The presentation language of the training is English.


The participants are professionals working in the health promotion field and interested in issues related to climate change. The maximum capacity is 45 participants.


The intended duration is of 2-3 h / module, for a total of 9 hours for the whole training course.

Certificate of participation

The participants will receive a certificate, delivered by IUHPE, upon the completion of the entire course (all 3 modules) and the evaluation. This certificate is recognized by the IUHPE Global Accreditation System and can be combined with other education and training to complete an application for registration as health promotion practitioner.

Evaluation of the training

The evaluation includes a short evaluation of the course (questionnaire to measure satisfaction with the various aspects of the course), as well as a reflexive exercise (500 words on the applicability of the knowledge and skills acquired in the training to their own practice). Both will be due in the two weeks following the final module.


Registration is mandatory. To register, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indicating:

  • The title of the online course (Health Promotion and Climate Change)
  • Your full name
  • Country of residence
  • Main affiliation (if any – e.g. your employer).

You will receive by email the confirmation of your registration and the login details.

Participation in the course is free of charge for IUHPE members and for participants from low-and middle-income countries. PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO PARTICIPANTS FROM LOW- AND MIDDLE-INCOME COUNTRIES, should registration numbers exceed the maximum. If you reside in a high-income country, IUHPE membership will be required (once your participation is confirmed) to help support training initiatives accessible to all.

High-income countries: Categories H, I and J of this table.

The deadline for registration is January 15, 2024


A full description is available here