
As a global professional association, the IUHPE's major strength lies in the quality of skills and knowledge of our membership, and the capabilities of the Regional Offices and Headquarters in securing partnerships and resources to enable the organisation to pursue its goals.


Members range from government bodies, to universities and institutes, to NGOs and individuals across all continents working to advance public health through health promotion and health education. Acknowledging the different needs of our diverse membership, the IUHPE is willing and able to adapt its services to better respond to each.

The IUHPE builds a mutually beneficial relationship with its membership. IUHPE members may benefit in many ways, including:

  • Being part of a global network of people and organisations with common goals, which facilitates the exchange of ideas, information and experiences;

  • A chance to influence health promotion thinking internationally;

  • Ability to join one of the IUHPE's global working groups, networks and interest groups; 

  • Ability to facilitate the development of relevant collaborative projects at global and regional levels;

  • Facilitate and/or participate in the IUHPE Consultancy services;

  • Reduced registration fees to IUHPE World, Regional and co-sponsored Conferences;

  • Participating in the democratic life of the IUHPE organization through the General Assembly;

  • Free access to the IUHPE quarterly official journal Global Health Promotion (regular and supplement issues);

  • Receive discounted subscription rates to five other journals in the IUHPE Family of Journals. Subscription information is available under Member's login section for existing members or on the online membership application for new members;

  • Discounts on Accreditation System administration and registration fees; 

  • Receiving up to date, topical information in newsletters from the global headquarters and regional offices, as well as other documents of interest;

  • Accessing the "member only" sections on IUHPE website;

  • Participating in IUHPE projects in areas of your interest (when available);

  • Participating in key IUHPE health promotion activities in your region of the world;

  • And stimulating your professional life through invigorating contact with like-minded health promoters throughout the world.


Please note: we are in the process of migrating to a new site/platform. The instructions below are out of date. If you wish to become a member or renew your membership, kindly write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.


Becoming a member of the IUHPE is a 2 step process.


Step 1: You must create a username and password. Once you have registered your username and password, you will recieve an email containing a link to validate your account.

However, your membership registration process is NOT YET FINISHED!


Step 2: Once you have created a user account, you may now log in to become a member. To become a member, you will have to choose the category of your membership (i.e. individual, institutional, etc.) and then fill in the required details and contact information. You may then choose to identify which centers of interest or interest groups you would like to be a part of. Please note that this information may be modified at any time. Finally, to complete the registration process, you need to pay your annual membership fee, based on the calendar year (from January to December)You have the option to pay your annual fee several years at a time, and you may also choose to subscribe to various scientific journals within our family of journals, at a reduced price. 


Now, we invite you to create your user account! 


 Create a user account


The IUHPE has two broad membership categories, Institutional Members and Individual Members, and within each broader category are smaller more specific categories. 

Institutional Members

Individual Members

National Health Promotion and Public Health Agencies


Academic Institutions


Regional/ Local Institutions





Institutional Members

Institutional members are organisations of international, national, local scope, one of whose main purpose is to undertake or promote one or more aspects of health promotion and/or health education and/or which focus on specific themes, target groups, or settings. They carry out activities which are consistent with the mission, goals and objectives and purpose of IUHPE.


National Health Promotion and Public Health Agency members are national organisations which are responsible for organising and /or supporting health promotion and/or education in their country, state, province, region or equivalent level. They carry out activities which are consistent with the mission, goals and objectives and purpose of IUHPE. In addition to membership benefits listed here, National Health Promotion and Public Health Agency members may:

  • Host the triennual IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion; and

  • *For information on National Health Promotion and Public Health Agency member fees, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Academic Institutional members are part of this broad Institutional members category: they include Universities, Training Centres, Schools of Public Health and other institutions who pursue research, and capacity building in health promotion in an academic setting.

In addition to membership benefits listed here, Academic members may:

  • Hold 3 votes at the IUHPE General Assembly;

  • Have opportunities to collaborate between academic organisations;

  • Develop common research grant proposals;

  • Support exchange among trainers and capacity builders;

  • Benefit from increased international student mobility; and

  • Receive 3 free subscriptions of Global Health Promotion, the official publication of the IUHPE (published in collaboration with SAGE Publishing Ltd.).

  • *For more information on Academic member fees, please see the membership fees page


Regional/ Local Institutional members include regional and local organizations, one of whose main purposes is to undertake, promote and/or supporting health promotion or health education. 

In addition to membership benefits listed here, Regional/ Local members may:

  • Hold 3 votes at the IUHPE General Assembly; and

  • Have opportunities to collaborate on projects and partnerships with other member institutions.

  • *For more information on Regional/ Local member fees, please see the membership fees page

Individual Members

Individual members support the mission, goals and objectives of IUHPE.

In addition to membership benefits listed here, Individual members hold 1 vote at the IUHPE General Assembly.

*For more information on Individual member fees, please see the membership fees page


Student members (proof of studentship required) support the mission, goals and objectives of IUHPE.

In addition to membership benefits listed here, Student members hold 1 vote at the IUHPE General Assembly and can join the sub-network: IUHPE Student and Earlier Career Network

*For more information on Student member fees, please see the membership fees page


Retired members support the mission, goals and objectives of IUHPE.

In addition to membership benefits listed here, Retired members hold 1 vote at the IUHPE General Assembly. 

*For more information on Retired member fees, please see the membership fees page


Honorary members are individuals or organisations who make a special contribution to the mission of the IUHPE, or to the development of its goals and objectives. 

In addition to membership benefits listed here, Honorary members hold 1 vote at the IUHPE General Assembly.

*For more information on Honorary member fees, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


*As previously mentioned, for a FULL LIST of IUHPE membership benefits, please visit the dedicated Membership benefits page.


Please note: You may refer to the information on this page to review membership fees by membership type and country category. However, we are in the process of migrating to a new site/platform, so the instructions on creating a profile, becoming a member, or renewing your membership are out of date. If you wish to become a member or renew your membership, kindly write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.


Membership within the IUHPE is fee based.

Fees vary according to category and country following an equity scale.

All fees are in EUR (€).


IUHPE Membership fees as of January 2020: 



*For more information on National Health Promotion and Public Health Agency membership fees, please contact Liane Comeau, Executive Director of the IUHPE at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Click here for the list of countries and their strata.


Apply Now


Please note: All countries in the region of Latin America have been re-categorized as "E". When joining or renewing, the system will determine pricing accordingly.



Click here to view IUHPE membership fees according to category and strata.


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