Please note: we are in the process of migrating to a new site/platform. The instructions below are out of date. If you wish to become a member or renew your membership, kindly write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.


Becoming a member of the IUHPE is a 2 step process.


Step 1: You must create a username and password. Once you have registered your username and password, you will recieve an email containing a link to validate your account.

However, your membership registration process is NOT YET FINISHED!


Step 2: Once you have created a user account, you may now log in to become a member. To become a member, you will have to choose the category of your membership (i.e. individual, institutional, etc.) and then fill in the required details and contact information. You may then choose to identify which centers of interest or interest groups you would like to be a part of. Please note that this information may be modified at any time. Finally, to complete the registration process, you need to pay your annual membership fee, based on the calendar year (from January to December)You have the option to pay your annual fee several years at a time, and you may also choose to subscribe to various scientific journals within our family of journals, at a reduced price. 


Now, we invite you to create your user account! 


 Create a user account