International francophone meeting on social inequalities in health

The Journées annuelles de santé publique (JASP) is the major annual continuing education meeting for public health in Quebec. In existence for over a decade, the JASP attracts over 2000 various professionals including doctors, researchers, teachers, students, administrators, psychologists, nutritionists, nurses, social workers and others involved in public health.


International Francophone meeting on social inequalities in health (RFIISS)


Above and beyond acknowledge the existence and magnitude of social inequalities in health, health promotion and public health professionals must commit to advance knowledge about how these inequalities are produced and reproduced over time, the health problems they generate, as well as interventions to can effectively reduce them in a sustainable fashion.


As a prelude to the 2008 JASP an international scientific committee prepared a special international francophone meeting held on to exchange knowledge, develop skills, and further explore new prospects to support moving the field's influence from discourse to action.


As an active participant on the RFIISS international Scientific Committee, the IUHPE was able to support key aspects of partnership and collaboration with the Quebec Institute of Public Health (INSPQ), increase synergy with its project with the French Institute for Prevention and Education, and contribute expertise from its global professional network. Specifically, the IUHPE contributed to the development of the plenary sessions over all, with a specific focus on developing a thematic activity on inequalities in access to health care and health services, and a workshop on the use of partnership tools for work at the local level.


IUHPE Participation in the JASP


The IUHPE actively contributes to the development of each edition of these Public Health Annual Daus (JASP).


For further information, visit the JASP website.