RHP&EO is the electronic journal of the
International Union for Health Promotion and Education


Go back to: Health of Overseas Services Bureau Travelling Staff


Appendix One: Demographics of the Target Population


Average trip length (weeks) : 3.0
Average number of trips : 3.9

Appendix Two: Role of a Field Officer

Not online


Not online

Appendix Four: Table of Results

Table 1 - Living Conditions

* Sample size = 21

Table 2 - Insect Protection

* Only twenty-one people travelled to malaria prone areas

Table 3 - Sickness and Accidents

* Upper respiratory tract infection
** Sample size = 17
*** Sample size = 22

Table 4 - Travel Advice

Table 5 - Health Skills

*Sample size = 21

 Table 6 - Safety & First Aid Kit

*Sample size = 21

 Table 7 - Stress

* Sample size = 15

 Table 8 - Immunisation Status

Table 9 - On return from overseas


Go back to: Health of Overseas Services Bureau Travelling Staff

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Last modified: October 07, 2000

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