RHP&EO is the electronic journal of the
International Union for Health Promotion and Education



The Conference is organized by the Research Center for Health Promotion, a WHO Collaborating Center for Health Promotion and Health Education, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway, with the Department of Public Health Sciences, a WHO Collaborating Centre on Supportive Environments for Health, Karolinska Institute, Sundbyberg, Sweden.

Conference Committees

  • Program committee

  • Norman Anderssen, chair, University of Bergen, Norway

  • Therese Andrews, University of Bergen, Norway

  • Bo J.A. Haglund, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

  • Maurice Mittelmark, University of Bergen, Norway

Organizational committee

  • Norman Anderssen, University of Bergen Therese Andrews, University of Bergen Christine Blom, University of Bergen Elisabeth Fosse, University of Bergen

  • Ingrid Holsen, University of Bergen

  • Hfivard Holten, University of Bergen

  • Ola Josendal, University of Bergen

  • Wenche Marthinussen, University of Bergen Maurice Mittelmark, University of Bergen Klas Ronning, University of Bergen

  • Bjom Rortveit, University of Bergen Oddrun Samdal, University of Bergen

Nordic contact persons

  • Denmark: Pemille Due, University of Copenhagen

  • Finland: Antti Uutela, National Public Health Institute

  • Iceland: Anna Bjorg Aradottir, Ministry of Health and Social Security

  • Norway: Norman Anderssen, University of Bergen

  • Sweden: Bo J.A. Haglund, Karolinska Institute

Financial support

The conference is financially supported by Office for International Relations, University of Bergen; Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen; Research Center for Health Promotion, University of Bergen; Department of Public Health Sciences, The Karolinska Institute; and Norwegian Research Council.


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Last modified: October 07, 2000

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