RHP&EO is the electronic journal of the
International Union for Health Promotion and Education


Healthy Communities In Iceland

Aradottir, Anna Bjorg R.N., Project manager Jakobinudottir, Sigriour M.P.H., R.N.

The Health Promotion Project, Ministry of Health, ' Laugavegur 116 - 150 Reykjavik - Iceland


The Health Promotion Project in Iceland started in November 1993. It is a joint project of the Ministry of Health and Social Security and the Directorate of General Health in Iceland. Healthy Communities is a sub-project that began in spring 1994 and is a cooperation of four communities. These communities act as trial sites and exemplary settings where health promotional activities are emphasized, planned for and implemented.


The purpose of this project is to enforce the role of health promotion, e.g.:

  • to increase interest in healthy lifestyles and promote a sense of responsibility for health · to increase the awareness of risk factors of chronic disease and accidents

  • to influence the communities in creating an environment that facilitates healthy choices · coordinate efforts of governmental agencies and private initiative


Each community has its own Local Project Team that organizes a local plan in cooperation with the Health Promotion Project Committee, which acts as a motivator and consultant. The Local Project Team puts emphasis on cooperation and coordination of different organizations and to use existing knowledge and working practices in the community. -

Plans were made for health care centers, schools, work places, for the general public and for "healthy" families. Some examples of the activities in the communities are:

  • Health care centers: A survey: Health profile before and after counselling. · Schools: Topic weeks and courses on healthy lifestyles. · Workplaces: Courses and counselling.

  • General public: Hiking and jogging groups. Information and counselling in food-stores. "No-car" week.

  • Healthy families: Health profile in beginning and end- education.

  • Local mass media: Education and information.


Now the Healthy Communities Project has been ongoing for two years and the overall outcome is very positive. All the communities involved have shown great interest in health promotion and many different activities have been planned for as a result of their own ideas and incentives.


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