RHP&EO is the electronic journal of the
International Union for Health Promotion and Education


General Information Needs To Abortion Patients

Marianne Bengtsson Agostino


The overall purpose of this paper is to reflect upon cultural values both in society and among health care institutions in relation to women and men who decide to interrupt a pregnancy.

In particular the paper will refer to a study undertaken among 212 women who interrupted a pregnancy in a public hospital in Rome, Italy.

Women's needs in occasion of abortion include both psycho-social counselling and general objevtive information concerning abortion (Benson et al., 1993). Information and counsellig to women who undergo aborton has mostly focused on their decision to do so, and on their need of contraceptive counselling after abortion (Roman-Clarks. 1989). General objective information: aspects of care, procedure methods, feelings and women's status about abortion has been less developed.


A questionnaire was distributed among 212 women in one of Rome's hospital. The questionnaire focused on four areas: social conditions, general information needs, opinions concerning which contents of information to include in a booklet for abortion patients and methods of information.


Women answered very differently to the questionnaire and general information needs were not shown to be as essential as expected. Three main problems were identified: need of general information and content, length of delay between decision to interrupt and interruption and wish to involve the male partner.


Women seem to underestimate their information needs or to "hide" them. The social image of abortion as being a "woman's affair" does not seem to have changed much since abortion became legal. "The shame" of the abortion, although eradicated legally, seems part of their "destiny" as patients.

A major awareness of underlying meanings and values concerning abortion will be discussed.


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