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International Union for Health Promotion and Education


Effects Of Community Based Intervention On Coffee Consumption.(The Finnmark Intervention Study)

V.F.onnebo, A.J. Sogaard

Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromso. 9037 Tromso, Norway.

Objectives: To evaluate the effect of intensive community intervention on amount and type of coffee consumption in two fishing villages in the top coffee-consuming county of Norway, Finnmark.

Material and method: Two different intervention methods based on local participation were applied in Britsfjord and Nordkapp. Three control municipalities were selected based on demographic characteristics. The intervention period in Batsfjord lasted from 1988-1991. The intervention period in Nordkapp stared in 1988 and is still continuing. All inhabitants aged 40-62 were invited to the baseline survey in 1987. In the intermediate survey in 1990 all inhabitants aged 40-65 were invited. Finally in the postintervention survey in 1.993 all inhabitants aged 40-68 were invited. In addition a random sample of persons aged 20-39 were invited in all three surveys. Changes in the 1987 cohort from the two different intervention sites have been compared with changes in the control communities. Changes in amount coffee consumed as well as changes in types of coffee consumed have been studied.


  • Changes in amount coffee consumed: The number of cups of coffee consumed was reduced from 1987 to 1993, more in the intervention municipalities than in the control municipalities. The difference between intervention and control municipalities was statistically significant among men(p<0,05).

  • Changes in type of coffee consumed: Between 1987 and 1990 Batsiord and Nordkapp reduced the proportion consuming boiled coffee significantly more than the control municipalities. This applies to both sexes . The proportion consuming mainly filtered coffee increased at the same time. The differences are still present, although smaller, when the comparison is made between the 1987 and 1993 surveys. This indicates that the control municipalities after 1990 are adapting to this new pattern of coffee drinking.

Conclusion: Community based intervention is a possible method for promoting changes in coffee consumption behaviour in communities with a very high proportion of heavy drinkers of boiled coffee.


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