RHP&EO is the electronic journal of the
International Union for Health Promotion and Education


Young People's View On Health And Health-Education - Some Reflections

Agneta Nilsson

Consultant, the National Agency for Education

Young people's views are important not to go wrong in the field of health. This is a subject, which has attended remarkable little interest by researches, although much effort has been put on formulating messages, health education materials and campaigns to young people. A few small studies exist concerning health education on specific topics. They are often based on quantitative methods, giving too little knowledge to develop content and methods in work with health.

For an article in a recent book, which I edited ("Is Pippi Long-stocking an health educator or a health risk.9", Nat. Agency for Educ., 1996), I interviewed seven teenagers. These interviews mirror what is important for their well-being and how they apprehend the health education they have got at school.

These teenagers associate the word "health" with things that are boating or extremely "healthy". When young people on their own discuss their health concept, and what it means to themselves, they emphasize their psychological and social situation. They relate their well-being to the social environment - to feel good with their family, friends, boy- or girlfriend; with school grades, teachers, peers. Self-confidence and self-esteem are considered as health-protecting It concerns the identity, to know who your are, the picture of yourself, emotional maturation.

In answering questions on health education at school, their views can be summarised as a wish for more of a dialogue and a content focusing on psycho-social health. There is a striking difference between what these young people consider good for them and the education and information they get at school. Difficulties that they themselves have experienced, which concern life itself, are easily lost. Lack of dialogue can also give them a feeling that nobody cares neither about their opinion nor their knowledge.

Based on the words from young people, I can see how the health education easily turns into a perspective of unhealth and disease, getting difficulties to formulate issues promoting health. "There are never any discussions about why we are so healthy. Wouldn't health be something positive?", says one girl. Maybe it is easier to focus on weed control than manuring?

I also discuss how naming of the topics in health misleads the content in health education, as they are related to symptoms/diseases or substances. The termino-lofty also directs the fundings from politicians.

From the interviews I will finally reflect upon some strategies, specially focusing on active participation.


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Last modified: October 07, 2000

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