Oral presentation No. 18

The development of a training in responsible
beverage service in restaurants

Lindewald Birgitta, Wallin Eva, Andréasson Sven

Stockholm North Centre for Addiction


The STAD project (Stockholm prevents alcohol and drug related problems) aims to implement promising options and new methods for prevention of alcohol and drug prevention in the community. One strategy is to reduce access to alcohol. In Sweden the amount of alcohol consumed at restaurants has increased due to a higher number of restaurants and changes of existing regulations. Restaurant personnel have the potential to reduce alcohol related problems by not serving alcohol to intoxicated patrons or underaged youth. Purpose: To describe the development of a training program for responsible beverage service (RBS). Methods: The target groups are servers in restaurants in Central Stockholm and key persons in the hospitality industry. Evaluation methods used are focus group interviews, personal interviews, telephone interviews, questionnaires, weekly reports from project leader, interview with key persons and statistics of participants. Results: The RBS program has been developed in close collaboration with representatives from popular restaurants in Stockholm and a network consisting of key persons from the hospitality industry, the police and other authorities. From spring 1997 to january 1998 47 persons from 20 restaurants have attended the two day course. The content of the training has changed to be better adjusted to the restaurant world. Evaluation shows that participants at the latest course were more satisfied than at previous courses. Knowledge regarding existing laws and regulations and effects of alcohol drinking has increased. Participants now continue the work by training their colleagues. Participants stress that the RBS training ought to be compulsory. Conclusion: Community participation in the development of prevention programs is vital. In this case close interaction with experienced servers and restaurant managers proved necessary to make the training program attractive. Furthermore, by involving key persons in the process the possibilities of long term sustainability of more restrictive serving practice improves.


Alcohol, Restaurants, Community participation, Healthy alliances, Supportive environments



Lindewald Birgitta


Stockholm North Centre for Addiction


Box 6401


SE-113 82 Stockholm






+ 46 8 690 51 40


+ 46 8 690 59 91