Oral presentation No. 41

Work environment in the elementary school from the student´s perspective

Christina Engberg

Vansbro kommun, Högskolan i Örebro, Arbetslivsinstitutet


Work environment in the elementary school from the student´s perspective. The aim of the present study was to describe the work environment in the elementary school from the student´s perspective. All students in grades 5 to 6 and 8 to 9 (,a total of 338 pupils aged 11 to 12 and 14 to 15 years in the community of Vansbro, Sweden) were included in the study, and filled in a questionnaire concerning the following issues: Quality of the work procedure in school?Humanitarian aspects? Physical environment? The study shows that there is a considerable discrepancy between the chief aims of the school as expressed in official policy and the laws regulating school activity and how the pupils perceive school work. The influence of the pupils is perceived as minimal both concerning school policy and how the work is actually done. The important questions Why are we in school? and What are we supposed to do in school? are only rarely discussed. As the students grow older they feel that their influence over school work decreases. Many pupils do not feel safe in school. They want more efficient measures against harassment, threats and violence. In grades 5 and 6 the pupils are fairly satisfied with the teaching, feel that they can work at their own pace, have the equipment and books they need and get on well with their teachers. However, the pupils want more peace and quiet in the classroom, and fewer conflicts. Many pupils are physically hurt during the school hours. They feel a lack of respect and that what they say is not taken seriously by the teachers. In grades 8 and 9 life is tougher, the pupils have work at a harder pace, and they feel that they have very little control over stressful situations. The physical environment in school leaves much to be desired. The study shows that there is a need to take work environment issues at school seriously. It is the task of the school to offer all pupils a safe, creative and efficient environment and, by doing so, facilitate the learning process.


Attitudes; Chlidren; Perceived discomfort; Psychosocial aspects; Pupils; Schools; Work envirinment



Engberg Christina


Vansbro kommun, Högskolan i Örebro, Arbetslivsinstitutet


Kommunkontoret SE-780 50








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