Oral presentation No. 60

Cost-effectiveness analysis of a smoking cessation
project with free nicotine replacement products
for parents of school-children

Pia Johansson, Henrik Ullén, Birgitta Greitz, Sophie Ekman

Stockholm County Council, Unit of Social Medicine


The cost-effectiveness of nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation has been demonstrated in meta-analyses and several other studies. This study investigates the cost-effectiveness of an intervention, with a novel setting: the school health care, and with a novel target group: parents of school-children.

The project was carried out by the school health-care physician in the municipality of Solna, near Stockholm. All parents with school-children aged 7-19 years were invited to a meeting, where they could enroll in the smoking cessation project. The project offered free nicotine replacement products (Nicorette) of the parentsĀ“ choice; transdermal patches, chewing gum or nasal spray, as well as councelling with the school physician, 3-4 meetings during 6 months.

The cost of the project has been estimated with the societal perspective; all costs incurred by the project are estimated and valued according to their alternative value. All costs incurred, including time spent by parents, have been estimated. Societal costs and project payments are reported. The effects are estimated using previously published models.

At the first meeting, 286 parents were enrolled, of which 261 attended the first councelling session with the school physician. At 12 months, 100 parents stated they were smoke-free, representing 38% of participants.

The total societal cost amounted to approx. USD 140.000 in 1995 (1 USD=7,1343 SEK) of which nicotine replacement products amounted to USD 60.000. Cost per quitter was USD 1.400. Cost-effectiveness will also be measured as cost per YLS (life-year saved) and cost per QALY (quality-adjusted life years saved), using previously published models. A sensitivity analysis will also be conducted.

The project will probably be considered cost-effective in comparison with other health promotion activities.


Cost-effectiveness analysis, Smoking cessation, Parents of school-children, Nicotine replacement therapy



Johansson Pia


Stockholm County Council, Unit of Social Medicine




SE-171 76 Stockholm






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