RHP&EO is the electronic journal of the
International Union for Health Promotion and Education


Oral presentation No. 93

Poster Campaigns on Violence Against Women:
Hard to live with and impossible to live without?

Karen Leander

Stockholm’s County Council, Unit of Social Medicine

Abstract Over the past two decades, the women’s shelter movement and researchers in various disciplines have been the leading producers of knowledge about and initiators of responses to physical, sexual, and psychological violence against women - primarily within intimate relationships. It was first later that various public authorities eventually acknowledged and accepted their responsibility for facilitating the transformation of this "individual", family, or subcultural problem into a full-fledged social problem.

To advertise and reinforce the multi-agency public sector response to violence against women developed in Stockholm County 1992-1995, several agencies joined together in Operation Kvinnofrid (roughly, Pax Women), in which the most visible component was a two-week poster campaign in October 1997. Most resources over a one-year period were devoted to the poster campaign, despite the disclaimer that this was only the most visible and in some ways the least important component of Operation Kvinnofrid. Among the most important elements of the Operation were intra-agency training and improved awareness, knowledge, and routines as well as inter-agency cooperation. One function of the poster campaign was to alert the public to such efforts within the police, the health and social services, and the local governmental bodies. Nevertheless, the posters themselves focused on the reprehensibility of this violence.

The official evaluation of the campaign declared the poster campaign the least successful aspect while overall praising Operation Kvinnofrid. This paper will examine the following contradictions: (1) the necessary of high-visibility tactics to "sell" long-term, fundamental changes; (2) the political contingencies that lead to raised expectations among "grassroots" workers in the various sectors where middle-management may be quite ill-equipped to assign violence against women such high priority; and (3) the presentation of private violence as "everyone’s" concern even though true insight into the issue seems reserved for those with long and diligent experience.

Keywords Violence against women, Poster campaigns, Multi-agency


Institution Stockholm County Council, Unit of Social Medicine
Postaddress Norrbacka (Karolinska Sjukhuset)
Postcode SE-171 76 Stockholm
Country Sweden
Contact Leander Karen
E-mail karen.leander@socmed.sll.se
Phone + 46 8 517 77924
Fax + 46 8 517 77930


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Last modified: October 07, 2000

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