Poster no. 05

Sodium intake of 1-5 year-old Finnish children

Terhi Puotsaari - Heino, Katariina Kallio, Eero Jokinen, Hanna Lagström,
Olli Simell and the STRIP Study Group

University of Turku, Cardiorespiratory Research Unit


High sodium intake is an important risk factor for adult health. This study estimates the effect, of dietary counseling which was focused on the amount and especially the quality of fat in children´s diet, on sodium intake. The study comprises 100 children who received intervention and 100 control children from the STRIP project (the Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project for Children). Three- to four-day food records were kept at child´s age of 13 months and again at 3 and 5 years of age. Sodium intakes were calculated using Micro Nutrica program. The counseling included no suggestions to reduce sodium intake before the children had reached school age. Sodium intake of children of the intervention and control groups exceeded at least two-fold the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations. Sodium intake of the intervention children was slightly higher than that of the control children at the age of 3 years, probably partly because of the high sodium content of some low-fat products. Half of the sodium the children consumed was derived from added salt in manufactured or home-made foods, suggesting need for increased availability of commercial low-sodium products. Families also need concrete advice how to prepare low-salt meals at home. We conclude that participation in the CHD prevention trial and the nutrition counseling, focused especially on the quality of dietary fat, did not as such diminish sodium content of the children´s diet, and that for reduction of sodium intake, nutritional intervention strategy has to be slightly modified. This has been done in the STRIP project when the children now have reached the age of 8 years.


Sodium, Children



Puotsaari Terhi


University of Turku, Cardiorespiratory Research Unit


Kiinamyllynkatu 10









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