Poster no. 06

The impact of nutritional counseling on nutrition
knowledge of prechool-aged children in an
atherosclerosis prevention project

Minna Räsänen, Harri Niinikoski, Soili Keskinen, Olli Simell and the STRIP Study Group

Cardiorespiratory Research Unit and Departments of Pediatrics and Education


In the prospective STRIP project 1062 children were randomised to an intervention group (n=540;low-saturated-fat, low-cholesterol diet) or to a control group (n=522; unrestricted diet) at 7 month of age. Intervention families received at 5- to 6-month intervals individualized nutritional counseling based on 4-day food records of the child`s diet aiming at reduction of child`s saturated fat, cholesterol and salt intake. Counseling aimed at changing children`s diet but was given to the parents. Nutrition knowledge of 70 consecutive intervention and control children was analysed at the seven years of age. Knowledge was measured using a self-developed picture identification test, which contained 21 questions each based on 2-3 pictures of food alternatives. The questions delt with food`s contents of fat (six questions) or salt (five questions) of heart healthyness of the food (ten questions). Children were asked to explain their choices in eight questions. The intervention children had more correct answers in heart healthyness questions (rank sum) than the control children (p=0.050), but fat and salt questions showed no differences. Intervention children`s explanations for their choices were more accurate (correct explanation for the correct answer) than those of the control children in two of the eight open-ended questions (skim milk vs. 1% milk vs. 1.5% milk, p=0.0015, butter vs rapeseed oil, p=0.016). In conclusion, nutritional counselling of 7-month to 7-year-old children through their parents affected only slightly children’s nutrition knowledge at 7 years of age.


Nutrition knowledge, Children, Intervention, Atherosclerosis



Räsänen Minna


Cardiorespiratory Research Unit and Departments of Pediatrics and Education


University of Turku, Kiinamyllynkatu 10









+ 358 2 333 7477


+ 358 2 233 1126