Poster no. 21

Aggressiveness and violence in youngters

Garcia, M.T.(1); Gamonal, A.(2); Marco, S. (1); Rojas, M.(1);
Pavon, M.(1); Murrugarren, R.(1)

1. Escuela Nacional de Sanidad. C/Sinesio Delgado 8, 28029 Madrid. Spain
2. Plan Regional sobre drogas. Comunidad de Madrid


PURPOSE Because of the increment of Violence in youngsters and the antisocial behaviours we develop this study with the following objectives: 1) To know the relationships between youngsters and violence. 2) To increase the group and inter-generation relationships and the acceptance of other groups with religious or cultural differences from other ethnic and/or geographical origins. 3) To know if the youngsters have aggressive or violent behaviours against themselves. 4) To use the results of the study to develop different strategies to prevent and reduce the actual tendencies.

METHODS The study was develop using inquiry methodology with the following steps: 1) Elaboration of inquiry questionnaire by using the focal group and the expert consensus method. 2) Pilot phase for the sample estimation. 3) Questionnaire application to 3000 youngsters (2000 school attending and 1000 non-school attending). 4) Computer analysis of data and statistical analysis.

RESULTS - Youngsters consider that the social and familiar media are the principal factor in the violent behaviour.- 43% of youngsters consider that the violence has positive aspects (pleasure, happiness, and way to solve problems). - 97.59% affirm that some friends have induced them to be violent.- The aggressive behaviour is detected essentially at the end of the night in discotheques and at night in streets and in the evening in sportive competitions, and at school during the day.

- 61% drinks alcoholic beverages, 40.5% smoke tobacco, 38.8% cannabis and 6% consume synthetic drugs.

- 31% has been aggressed for one familiar.

- 68% consider negative excessive permisivity and 7% consider negative the excessive authority.


Violence, Youngsters, Adolescence



García M.T.


1. Escuela Nacional de Sanidad. C/Sinesio Delgado 8, 28029 Madrid. Spain 2. Plan Regional sobre drogas. Comunidad de Madrid



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