Poster no. 22

Sex differences in drugs consumption behavior
(teenagers 14-19 years old)

Garcia, M.T.(1); Marco, S.(1); Gamonal, A.(2); Pavon, M.(1)

1. Escuela Nacional de Sanidad. C/Sinesio Delgado 8, 28029 Madrid. Spain
2. Plan Regional sobre drogas. Comunidad de Madrid


INTRODUCTION The comparative analysis of three studies about the alcoholic drinks, synthetic drugs and tobacco consumption in teenagers (14-18 years old) in the community of Madrid (Spain) has shown significant behavior differences when data was analysed by sex. These differences refer to the consumption of each drug and the preferences, environment and attitude of the parents about their daughters / sons. We consider extremely important the identification of these differences because the design of strategies for intervention may have foreseen the different behaviour of these two teenagers groups to correct the tendency of consumption of the three drugs.

METHODS The study was undertaken in the "Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid". A method of survey has been used. The study population was divided into two groups (school and non-school attending). The design of the three questionnaires was made according to the method of an interview directed towards a "target" group, belonging to 8 clusters, in which the whole territory was divided, paying special attention to social and economic conditions. The size and form of distribution of the samples were calculated to obtain meaningful study, which was treated in a statistical process, allowing the habits concerned with the consumption of alcoholic drinks and tobacco amount, and circumstances that favour such consumption to be know, relating them to family, school and social aspects.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS An information specific treatment has been designed to analyse 3000 questionnaires foe each drug to obtain result on beverage consumption and tobacco differentiating between gender, school attendance and educational and non educational level. Finally the different behaviours about the consumption of the three substances on girls and boys were analysed to detect significant aspects that allow the design of specific actions for each drug according to the difference attitude depending on sex.


Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Sinthetyc drugs,Youngsters, Adolescence



García M.T.


1. Escuela Nacional de Sanidad. C/Sinesio Delgado 8, 28029 Madrid. Spain

2. Plan Regional sobre drogas. Comunidad de Madrid



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