Poster no. 32

Driving with a Zero Level of Alcohol in the Blood
(Kör på noll promille)

Ella Sohlberg, Solgun Lundgren, Kerstin Sundholm

Västernorrland County Council


The notion of ´Kör på noll promille’is a project born in the internal collaboration-group of the County Council. The purpose of the project has been to ncrease the knowledge of risks with, and consequences of, alcohol and traffic. The ‘Kör på noll promille’ project group consists of; Västernorrland County Council, The Swedish Motor-Vehicle Inspection Co, The Police Authority in Västernorrland County, The Mid Sweden National Road Administration and Västernorrland County Road Safety Federation. The project was also run for a three-year period (1995-1997), by The Swedish Motor-Vehicle Inspection Co. This made it possible to reach the intended target group: male drivers between 20 and 40 years of age. The method used was, that drivers who let their cars be inspected during a fixed week during the spring and fall also filled in a questionnaire with local factual-questions about alcohol and traffic. When the drivers left back the questionnaire they received the answers and a gift. Actions taken by the Motor-Vehicle Inspection Co were strengthened by the police temperance controls and media attention during the weeks in question. During the project, about 23 000 drivers received the questionnaire. This is equivalent to the drivers of about 20 percent of the cars in the county. The results indicate lack of knowledge and a need for information. To find out the attitude to the project and to alcohol, telephone-interviews were carried out by random selection from the target-population. Interviews with representatives from the participating organisations show that the project was well prepared, cost-effective and of high quality. The main strengthwas the pooling of competence and resources. The involvement of different organisations, each with their own different working areas but sharing a common goal, gave the project penetration and credibility.


Regional alcohol programme, Selective sobriety measures, Alcohol policy



Västernorrland County Council


Landstingets kansli HPA


SE-871 85






Sundholm Kerstin



+ 46 611 800 72


+ 46 611 800 26