Poster no. 42

Attitudes to Psychiatry and Psychosocíal
Development in Society

Rainer Heikkilä

Psychiatric Clinic/Unit for Evaluation


The startpoint for this study was the target that psychiatric care must, as long as possible, be driven with patient in his/her usual social enviroment. To describe this enviroment seven attitudes were constructed: own lifesituation, psychosocial development of society, responsbility for other people, roll of psychiatry in society, psychiatric methods and attitudes to psychiatry and other health care. Strength of these attitudes were analyzed within separete groups. The material is two postsurveys 1987 and 1992 in southern Älvsborg. Results of studie is that women have stronger positive attitudes to psychiatry than men have. But women have more negative attitude to psychosocial development of society. Those who have own experiences of psychiatric care have stronger positive attitudes to it than others. They feel their own life conditions and development of psychosocial conditions more negatively. The attitude to responsibility for human fellows (as foundation to selfcare) is quite positive and most positive are women younger than 65. Many people feel that the development of society from psychosocial point of view is wrong. To change this, hopefully, the knowledge within psychiatry: the medical, the psychological and the social will become useful. The most part of people think that psychiatry shall have a big co-operation arena.


Psychiatry, Attitude, Psychosocial, Postsurvey



Heikkilä Rainer


Psychiatric Clinic/Unit for Evaluation


Psykiatriska kliniken/Utvärdringsenheten


SE-501 82 Borås





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