Poster no. 54

Bergslagsco-operation the dragon raises against the wind

Birgitta Borendal, Jan Larsson

Ludvika Health- and Medical Service District


A negative development of society related to industrial restructuring followed by unemployment, migration and an imbalanced age structure has brought about a lower state of health in Bergslagen than in other parts of Dalarna and Västmanland. Women at a low educational level are most vulnerable. In 1995 the county councils and the municipalities of Avesta, Fagersta, Hedemora, Ludvika, Norberg, Skinnskatteberg and Smedjebacken in Dalarna and Västmanland launched a collaboration in order to obstruct the situation. The co-operation - called Bergslagsco-operation - is founded on a joint health strategy, epidemiological coverage and concrete activities in society. One part of the joint action is a tobbacco prevention program based on experiences from those who regurlary work with smoking prevention where young people meet. The joint aim is to reach the WHO goal of 80 % non smokers among the population already in 1999. A chef has been employed on an project basis in order to give further education to staff at restaurants, institutional kitchens and school kitchens and thus arouse interest for healthy and delicious lunch-food. The Bergslagscollaboration has led to a homogenous approach to injury prevention work and as from February 1997 joint accident frequency statistics are being used. The aim is to apply for the distinction "Safe Community". Health prevention work is based on an investigation of women health going on, and a prevention project for heart and vascular diseases has been initiated. Evaluation of the Bergslagsco-operation has began during spring 1998 in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet and will be reported in January 1999. So far we have experienced an affinity within the region despite different administrative provinces and county councils. As efforts and activities have been brought in action, we have realized that the laws of aerodynamics function even on dragons and that the Chinese proverb "DonĀ“t despair - remember that dragons raise against the wind" really applies.


Community development



Ludvika Health- and Medical Service District


Ludvika Health- and Medical Service District


SE-771 81






Borendal Birgitta



+ 46 240 49 52 44


+ 46 240 49 55 61