Oral presentation No. 10

Developing Evidence Based Health Promotion
for Older People

Mima Cattan

University of Newcastle


By year 2025 approximately 20 % of Europe's population will be 65 and over. There is growing evidence that the risk of being socially isolated and lonely increases with age.This paper compares results of a systematic review, and a survey in Northern England, of health promotion interventions targeting social isolation and loneliness among older people. Published studies were reviewed using conventional methods of systematic reviews. The search strategy was categorised by: target group, problem area, topic, intervention method. Survey questionnaires were sent to 278 organisations.The review found 57 intervention studies on social isolation and loneliness among older people. Twenty five were experimental, including 11 RCT:s. Self help groups and home visiting schemes were the most frequently examined interventions. No intervention studies targeting social isolation among minority ethnic groups were found. The survey identified over 130 projects alleviating social isolation among older people. A quarter list home visiting as the main activity and 39% self help. Exercise is included in 34 % of the projects. Several innovative programmes to combat loneliness in rural areas are identified. Over 31 % combine 5 or more activities.Many parallels can be drawn between the results of the review and the survey , but there are notable differences. All intervention studies, apart from three, examine the impact of one, possibly two interventions, in contrast with local projects, where about half provide multiple activities to combat social isolation. There is a lack of studies exploring effectiveness of meals or exercise provision in alleviating loneliness. Review results indicate that the impact of home visiting is unclear. The survey suggests that such programmes are common across Northern England. For realistic strategy to be developed, there is a need to examine effectiveness of unevaluated activities, but also for research findings to be disseminated widely, and helping practitioners use these.


Older people; Social isolation; Loneliness; Intervention



Mima Cattan


University of Newcastle


Newcastle upon Tyne


England, UK




+ 44 191 222 5100


+ 44 191 222 8211