Poster no. 72

Local area description as starting point for strategic
municipal public health work

Carina Sandgren, Solgun Lundgren, Helen Lundal

Västernorrland's Primary Healthcare Development Unit


Background & Purpose Within the scope of the Municipality of Sundsvall's general goals a desire is expressed to link undertakings within public health, environment and democracy. Residential areas are one of the most important arenas for this work. The undertaking, launched 1997 and as yet not completed, ultimately is to create a strategy for public health work within the Municipality of Sundsvall. The strategy is to be based, in part, on the experience gleaned from a small segment of Sundsvall, the residential area of Ljustadalen/Finsta. Method The area description of Ljustadalen/Finsta includes three base reports. Statistics concerning demography, socio-economic circumstances, lifestyles and ill health. Interviews conducted with 14 public servants with responsibility for activities providing service to residents in all of the studied age groups. The questions have been formulated from the perspective "housing as a supportive environment for health". Group discussions that have illuminated the residents' opinions concerning what can lead to greater enjoyment and a better sense of "belonging" in the neighbourhood. In all, 6 groups representing 3 different age intervals were questioned. Results To the extent that the municipality's key code areas coincide with the residential area in question it is possible to present demographic tatistics for limited geographic areas. It is more difficult with respect to ill health, lifestyle etc. as the absolute figures are low. A matrix has been developed where, e.g. purpose, source, comparison over time and between areas is presented. The interviews show that the public officers make a clear connection between social situation and ill health. Many proposals for betterment, in particular concerning the physical environment, were presented. In the group discussions the residents identified aggravating circumstances such as reduced local service, the attitudes of certain residents and the area's reputation. The residents indicated opportunities for development with respect to the physical environment, local responsibility and the development of information channels.


Community intervention



Västernorrland's Primary Healthcare Development Unit


Norrmalmsgatan 2


SE-852 34






Lundgren Solgun



+ 46 60 554433


+ 46 60 175393