RHP&EO is the electronic journal of the
International Union for Health Promotion and Education



Directory of keynote speakers in alphabetical order

Gillies Pamela, Professor

Topic - Research Challenges in Health Promotion for the 21st Century

Pamela Gillies is currently a Professor of Public Health at the University of Nottingham, Director of Research at the Health Education Authority for England, and a Harkness Fellow of the Commonwealth Fund of New York. She has worked as a consultant with the World Health Organisation Global Programme on AIDS since 1987, designing population based HIV prevention programmes in developing country contexts. With a background in education and public health, she has, over the last ten years, produced and evaluated national sexual health and HIV/AIDS education materials for school pupils, young adults, and members of minority groups, particularly those with learning difficulties. She has also facilitated health promotion among prostitute women through community development projects. Recently, as a visiting Professor at Radcliffe College, Harvard and the Harvard School of Public Health, she reviewed the USA Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Community AIDS Demonstration Projects. She is a founding member of the Working Group of Sexual Behaviour (WGSB) of the International AIDS and Reproductive Health Network (ARHN) and, funded by the Ford Foundation, has been engaged in co-ordinating training workshops on concepts and methods in sexuality research in Latin America and Asia. She has provided advice to the Overseas Development Administration (ODA) on co-ordination of United Nations agencies response to the AIDS epidemic and was Chair of the European Working Group on HIV/AIDS and Discrimination. Her research interests include cross cultural perspectives on sexuality and health and community development responses to inequalities in health focusing on the potential of social capital for health.


Kamper Jörgensen Finn, Professor; Director

Topic - Evidenced Based Health Promotion

Finn Kamper-Jørgensen has been director of the Danish Institute for Clinical Epidemiology (DICE) for 17 years. He is also member of the leadership group ("koncernledelsen") of the Danish Ministry of Health. He has a medical background and a broad Public Health training postgraduately. His dissertation dealt with Health Economics and Social Medicine. His personal research profile is rather broad. He has been deputy director for Primary Health Care and Prevention at the National Board of Health for some years.

DICE is an independent research institute under the Ministry of Health. The fields of research at DICE may basically be divided into:

Research into Health, Diseases and Mortality of populations. DICE runs some epidemiological registers and have direct access to most health related and administrative registers.

Research into Health Promotion, Prevention and Treatment. Health Services Research and evaluation of preventive intervention is part of this field.

DICE has responsibility for the conduct of a regular programme of national representative Health Interview Surveys. Health Promotion Surveys are part of the programme.

Finn Kamper-Jörgensen has been vice-chairman of the EC Committee on Health Services Research and he is chairman of the Nordic Corporation for Health Services Research, initiating research and Nordic Health Policy Forum. He has been chairman of the Danish Health Technology Assessment Committee for many years. He has been chairman of the Swedish steering group for the evaluation of Swedish medical education and member of the corresponding Danish evaluation group. He has been involved in the development of the Danish Health Promotion Programmes for many years

He has edited a Danish textbook of Health Promotion ("Forebyggende sundhedsarbejde", Munksgaard), now in its 3. edition.

Homepage of DICE: http://www.dike.dk


Nordenfeldt Lennart, Professor

Topic - Ethics in Health Promotion

Academic degrees:

  • PhD, University of Uppsala, 21.5.1974 (Theoretical Philosophy)

Academic position:

  • Professor at the Department of Health and Society, University of Linköping from 1987
  • Research positions:
  • Research fellow at the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, spring and summer term 1976
  • Research fellow at the Swedish Research Council for the Humanities and the Social Sciences, Stockholm, 1981-1984
  • Visiting Professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Edinburgh, Scotland, spring and summer term 1989

Administrative positions:

  • Head of the Department of Health and Society, University of Linköping, 1986-1988 and 1991-1994
  • Dean of the Faculty of Tema, University of Linköping, 1990 - 1993
  • Member of the Board of Linköping University, from 1994
  • International academic commitments
  • Co-editor of the bookseries European Studies in the Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care (Kluwer Academic Publishers)

Member of the following editorial boards:

  • Theoretical Medicine
  • The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
  • Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology
  • Health Care Analysis
  • Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
  • Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy
  • President of the Nordic Network for Philosophy, Medicine and Mental Health, 1995-
  • Member of the executive committee of the European Society for the Philosophy of Medicine and Health care, 1996-


  • Books in English:
  • Explanation of Human Actions, Uppsala 1974
  • Events, Actions and Ordinary Language, Lund 1977
  • Causes of Death, Stockholm 1983
  • Five Studies in Action Theory, Linköping 1984
  • Health, Disease and Causal Explanations in Medicine,(ed.) Dordrecht 1984
  • On the Nature of Health, Dordrecht 1987
  • On Crime, Punishment and Psychiatric Care, Stockholm 1992
  • Quality of Life, Health and Happiness, Aldershot 1993
  • Concepts and Measurement of Quality of Life in Health Care, (ed) Dordrecht 1994
  • On the Nature of Health, Second enlarged edition, Dordrecht 1995.
  • The Goals and Limits of Medicine, (ed. together with P-A Tengland) Stockholm 1996

Professor Lennart Nordenfelt
Dept of Health and Society
Linköping University
SE-58183 Linköping, Sweden

Rimpelä Arja, Professor

Topic - Challenges for the future

Arja Rimpelä is Professor in Public Health (Community Health) at the Tampere School of Public Health, University of Tampere, Finland, and Director of the School. She has previously had junior and senior research and teaching posts in the Departments of Public Health at the Universities of Tampere, Helsinki and Oulu as well as at the Cancer Registry of Finland. Her previous post was a professorship in Community Health at the Nordic School of Public Health, Sweden, where she was responsible of the Baltic programme.

Her educational background is in medicine and administrative sciences and she has M.Sc. in epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Her main research topics include adolescent health and health behaviour as well as tobacco policies. Together with the research team she has published more than a hundred papers in national and international journals on the above mentioned topics. The main bulk of empirical data is drawn from the Adolescent Health and Lifestyle Survey, collected biannually since 1977.


Tannahill Andrew, Professor

Topic - Disease Prevention vs. Health Promotion. Conflict or Consensus?

Andrew Tannahill has been Chief Executive of the Health Education Board for Scotland since June 1991. Prior to that he held a series of service and academic public health medicine appointments, in Edinburgh, Cambridge and Glasgow.

He is currently also Visiting Professor at the University of Glasgow, Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Dundee, and Honorary Fellow at the University of Edinburgh.

His main professional interests in public health and health promotion are the devising of unifying concepts and frameworks, and policy and strategy development.

Health Education Board for Scotland
Woodburn House
Canaan Lane
Edinburgh EH10 4SG

Springett Janet, Professor

Topic - Disease Prevention vs. Health Promotion. Conflict or Consensus?

  • Professor of Health Promotion and Public Health, School of Health, Liverpool John Moores University
  • Co-ordinator of Institute for Health
  • Visiting Professor Centre for Health Promotion, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Technical advisor to Health Promotion and Investment Unit WHO/Euro
  • Member of WHO/Euro International Working Group on Health Promotion Evaluation sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control, USA; Health Canada, Government of Finland ; HEA, UK; Smith Kilne Foundation.
  • Member of WHO/EURO International Advisory Group on the Evaluation of the WHO Healthy Cities Project
  • Member of the Joint Public Health Team in Liverpool part of the JCC structure and responsible for Public Health Strategy and City Health Plan

Current research/scholarly activity:

  • Intersectoral collaboration for health: the role of networks and networking.
  • Evaluation of Liverpool City Health 2000 Project
  • Evaluation of Health Promotion programmes: participatory approaches; workplace health promotion (With Lindsey Dugdill); the dissemination stage of projects (with Prof. Louise Poitvin, University of Montreal) evaluation methodologies.
  • Health beliefs and Smoking in Children in Liverpool aged 5-8, a longitudinal study (with L. Dugdill, L Porceletto and Prof F Sanderson).
  • Health beliefs and non attendance at GP Health Clinics - an action research approach.(with Conan Leavey, Dr Paul Thomas and Rose Sands)
  • Lay Perspectives on Mental Health - a cultural analysis.(with Sandy Heron, Dr Mike Money and P O’ Carrolll)
  • Evaluation of Local Multidisciplinary Facilitation Teams in Primary Health Care. (with Lynne Graver, Dr P. Reason(University of Bath) and Rose Sands)
  • Quality of Life Study of people with Genetic Diseases(with Shirley Hamer, Professor Shelia Glenn , Dr Henrietta Collier and Professor D Raphael, University of Toronto)
  • The effects of Yoga therapeutics on Individual lifestyle and perceived quality of life following myocardial infarction.(with Kay Byatt and Professor Sheila Glenn)
  • Images of health and personal change ( with Beryl Woods )

Recently completed research:

  • A comparative analysis of health policy development in Healthy Cities in UK and the Netherlands.(with M. Goumans, University of Limburg)
  • The development of methodologies for the evaluation of urban health policies. (joint project with RUHBC Edinburgh University; Dept of Health Ethics and Philosophy University of Limburg,Maastrict; Institute for Social and Preventative Medicine, Athens; HH Gesundheits Consultancy, Hamburg; Ivesp, Valencia; Sogress, Milan.
  • Joint working and the development of a City Health Plan (with Caroline Costongs of The Netherlands National Sports Council)
  • Mental Health Morbidity Survey (with P. O'Carroll and Dr P. Brooks).
  • Development of Evaluation Indicators for monitoring Healthy Alliances with Health Education Authority and Wessex Institute for Public Health Medicine as member of the research steering group

Major Publications: (Books, Peer reviewed papers and Major Research Reports for government bodies)

  • L Porcellato,L Dugdill, J Springett and F. Sanderson (in press) "Attitudes, Beliefs and Smoking Behaviour in Primary School Children in Liverpool Health Education Research
  • L, Curtice, J. Springett and A. Kennedy( 1999) "Evaluation in Urban Settings : The Challenge of Healthy Cities " in I Rootman et al Evaluating Health Promotion Initiatives WHO/Euro Copenhagen
  • L. Dugdill and J.Springett(1999) " The Evaluation of health promotion Programes in the workplace" in I Rootman et al Evaluating Health Promotion Initiatives WHO/Euro Copenhagen
  • J. Springett (1999) "A review of participatory approaches to evaluation in health promotion" in I Rootman et al Evaluating Health Promotion Initiatives WHO/Euro Copenhagen
  • J Springett (1998) Practical Guidance on Evaluating Health Promotion WHO/Euro Copenhagen
  • J Springett (1998) "Quality and effectiveness in the Evaluation of Healthy Cities" in JK Davis and G McDonald (eds) Quality, Evidence and Effectiveness in Health Promotion Grappling with Uncertainities.Routledge
  • J Springett and L Dugdill (1998) Evaluating Health Promotion in the Workplace in the 21st Century: the Way Forward European Health Promotion Series no 6 WHO/Euro
  • I Rootman, M Goodstadt, L Potvin and J Springett (1997) A Framework for health promotion Evaluation WHO/Euro Copenhagen
  • M Goumans and J Springett (1997) "From projects to policy:

Institute for Health
Liverpool John Moores University
Truemnan Building
15-21 Webster St
L3 2ET

Wimbush Erica, Research & Evaluation Manager

Topic - Challenges in education and training for health promotion research

Erica Wimbush is currently working in the Research & Evaluation Division of the Health Education Board for Scotland (HEBS) where she is responsible for evaluation and performance monitoring within the organisation as well as managing all HEBS’s externally commissioned research. She has also been working with HEBS Education & Training Division to develop a professional development strategy for health promotion research in Scotland. She has wide experience in the research field, having worked both as a supplier of contract social research and as a research commissioner and has held lecturing posts in the academic University sector. Her publications span the fields of community education, women and leisure, physical activity and evaluation.

Health Education Board for Scotland
Woodburn House
Canaan Lane
Edinburgh EH10 4SG
Direct dial -+ 44 131 536 5565
Fax - +44 131 536 5502

Ziglio Erio, Regional Adviser

Health Promotion and Investment Unit, WHO/EURO

Topic - Health promotion research: Issues stemming from the invesment for health approach

Regional Adviser for Health Promotion and Investment
8 Scherfigvej
DK 2100 Copenahgen
"Ziglio, Erio (IHD)"


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Last modified: October 07, 2000

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