RHP&EO is the electronic journal of the
International Union for Health Promotion and Education


Re: The Welfare Of The Future - A Swedish Case Study

Posted by Maurice Mittelmark on October 06, 1998 at 21:45:23:

In Reply to: The Welfare Of The Future - A Swedish Case Study Readers, perhaps one or more of these questions can stimulate a discussion of this paper:

1. Is employment and a sense of securitythe key to the psycho-social determinants of health in the West?

2. Why is there a science-policy gap in practice?

3. What can be learned from recent social and economic policy changes in Sweden? What are the implications for the future health of Europeans?

4. Top down or bottom up? Are 'big government' solutions to health improvements still realistic ?

5. How do we promote evidence based social policy making given the short terms of politicians tenure and the territoriality of social systems?

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