RHP&EO is the electronic journal of the
International Union for Health Promotion and Education


Re: Integrating Health Sector Action on the Social and Economic Determinants of Health

Posted by Maurice Mittelmark on October 06, 1998 at 21:48:35:

In Reply to: Integrating Health Sector Action on the Social and Economic Determinants of Health Readers, perhaps one of these questions can be useful in stimulating a discussion of this paper:

1. If evidence does not seem to affect changes in health investments by nation states what is driving national health policies and health sector investment ? How can an investment for health strategy gain leverage for change?

2. If healthcare systems are not designed to create health is it better to seek their transformation or argue for another social system for health altogether. What would a health system look like - what might be its key professions, disciplines, processes, outcome and supportive infrastructure?

3. What is the best way to build an authoritative evidence based practice in health promotion when it is a global integrative concept involving almost all of social economic and environmental policy?

4. How might an epidemiology of health be established within the health care system and public health.

5. How might patients and the broader community become true partners in action both for the transformation of healthcare systems and on the determinants of population health.

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