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Lawrence W. Green, Adjunct Professor, University of California at San Francisco, School of Medicine and Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA

Email address: lwgreen@comcast.net

Lawrence W. Green retired from CDC in 2004, as Distinguished Fellow-Visiting Scientist, where he served as Director of CDC's World Health Organization Collaborating Center on Global Tobacco Control, later as Acting Director of the Office on Smoking and Health. Then in the Public Health Practice Program Office he served as the Director of CDC's Office of Science and Extramural Research and as Associate Director for Prevention Research and Academic Partnerships.

For most the 1990s, Green was the Director of the Institute of Health Promotion Research and Professor and Head of the Division of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion, Department of Health Care and Epidemiology, at the University of British Columbia in Canada. During this period, he led a research team for the Royal Society of Canada that produced a widely used report and set of guidelines on Participatory Research. Dr. Green has broad experience in health education, prevention, and community interventions for health promotion and risk reduction. He served as the first Director of the U.S. Office of Health Information and Health Promotion in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health under the Carter Administration, and as Vice President of the Kaiser Family Foundation. He has been on the public health faculties at Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Texas and Emory. Dr. Green is a past President and Distinguished Fellow of the Society for Public Health Education and recipient of the American Public Health Association's Distinguished Career Award and Award of Excellence, the Doyen Jacques Perisot Medal of the IUHPE, and the American Academy of Health Behavior first Research Laureate award. He currently serves on the Editorial Boards of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Health Education Research, Theory and Practice, the American Journal of Health Behavior and 11 other journals in his field. His textbooks have been widely adopted. Community and Population Health with Judith Ottoson is in its 8th edition; Health Program Planning: An Educational and Ecological Approach with Marshall Kreuter is in its 4th edition. The latter has been the repository for description of his Precede-Proceed model and the more than 950 published applications of this model in case studies, research, and other textbooks.

Dr. Green has recently co-chaired two conferences on translational research with NIH and served as Visiting Professor at the University of Maryland College of Health and Human Performance, the University of California at Berkeley School of Public Health, and Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

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