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RHP&EO is the electronic journal of the
International Union for Health Promotion and Education

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The former Internet Journal of Health Promotion has been transformed into the Reviews of Health Promotion and Education Online and has become the official electronic journal of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education. To know more about this transformation, see the paper "From IJHP to RHP&EO", by Editor in Chief Michel O'Neill.

The purpose and aim of Reviews of Health Promotion and Education Online (RHP&EO) is to improve the quality of health promotion and health education by publishing regularly a rating of recent articles- together with a short abstract or summary-that are relevant for its development, implementation and evaluation (RHP&EO, terms of reference, IUHPE, Paris, June 27 2000, p.1).

The terms of reference of RHP&EO have been revised at the IUHPE Board of Trustees meeting held in Paris, July 17 2001. You can read them here if you are interested (click here to read the revised terms of reference).


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Last modified: April 6th, 2004

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