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Helena E. Restrepo, MD, MPH, Columbia

Email address: restrepoh@telesat.com.co

Colombian physician, major in epidemiology. Professor in several universities in Medellín, Colombia (1967-1981). Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare of the city of Medellin (1970-1971). Academic Director of University Hospital of Medellin,Colombia (1973). Chief of Research Unit in Centro Cardiovascular Colombiano in Medellín ( 1976-1982).Regional Advisor in NCD at PAHO/WHO, Washington, D.C. (1982-1988). Coordinator of Health of the Adults Program PAHO/WHO, Washington, DC (1988-1992). Director of Health Promotion and Protection Division, PAHO/WHO, Washington,DC (1992-1996). International and national consultant in Health Promotion and Public Health (1996---). Author of 113 publications. Compiler of book: Health Promotion: An Antology. PAHO Scientific publication No.567. Editor of book: Experiencias de municipios saludables por la paz en Colombia. Ministerio de Salud de Colombia. OPS/OMS, Colombia. Editor of book: Promoicón de la salud: cómo construir vida saludable. Editorial Panamericana. Member of the Board of Trustees of the International Union of Health Promotion and Education, IUHPE. Mother of four daughters and grand mother of four grandchildren.

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