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Masamine Jimba, Japan, University of Tokyo

E-mail address: mjimba@m.u-tokyo.ac.jp

I am a Professor at the Department of International Community Health, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo. I studied public health, in particular environmental health and international health, in the National Institute of Public Health in Japan and at Harvard School of Public Health. In terms of my practical experiences, I started to conduct health promotion activities in developing countries when I worked as a WHO Health Coordinator for the Gaza Strip and the West Bank from 1994 to 1996. From 1996 to 2001, I implemented health promotion programs in rural Nepal, using a community development approach, as a Public Health Expert of the Japan International Cooperation Agency. Since 2002, I have conducted activities to promote school health in Laos and Cambodia as well as healthy nutrition and clean water in Vietnam. With respect to my academic activities, I have translated Green and Kreuter’s ‘Health Promotion Planning’ into Japanese twice (2nd and 4th ed) and have taught health promotion at different universities and other organizations.  Currently, I am one of faculty members of the Centre for International Health & Human Rights Studies (http://www.cihhrs.org/pages.php?heading=2&sectionid=4). I am also the co-editor-in-chief of the 'Tropical Medicine and Health', the official journal of Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine. I am involved as a board member in different organizations: the Japan Association for International Health as well as the Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion.  My current research interests are: health promotion, school health, health and human rights, conflict and health, health and development, and HIV/AIDS.

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