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Valéry Ridde, Université Laval, Québec, Canada

Email address: valery.ridde@umontreal.ca

Valéry Ridde works and studies in community health, health promotion and global health. Valéry is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Unité de Santé Internationale in Université de Montréal. He received a grant from the AnEIS program, an interdisciplinary training program « Analyse et Évaluation des Interventions en Santé » funded by CIHR/FRSQ. His Ph. D. in community health completed at Université Laval in Québec (Canada), is on health policy and equity in West-Africa (Burkina Faso). He holds an MSc in Community Health from Université Laval and a DESS in Public Management from Université de Dijon (France). His research interests focuses on health policy, evaluation of health promotion projects, social justice and health inequalities, health care organization and financing. Valéry has received several grants as a young researcher from research funding organization in Canada (e.g. IDRC, CIDA, CIHR, CCGHR, CFHSS, CPHA) and distinctions from different conferences (e.g. Société Québécoise d'Evaluation de Programme, International Conference on Local and Regional Health Programmes). He is a reviewer for several academic journals (e.g. P&E, JECH) and an Editorial Board member of the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation and the Reviews of Health Promotion and Education Online. He has already published several papers in books, academic and professional journals. His teaching as a lecturer in the academic world and as a private consultant with communities focuses on global health and program evaluation/planning in community health. He is a member of different professional and humanitarian organizations in public health and health promotion, as well as of the People Health Movement. In the past, he has been responsible for programmes with NGOs in countries including notably Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Haïti, Niger, Mali, Vietnam, Brazil and East Timor.

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