RHP&EO is the electronic journal of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education

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Sophie Dupéré, Managing Editor, RHPEO, Québec, Canada

Email address: sophie.dupere@fsi.ulaval.ca

My university education was in the discipline of Nursing during which I worked as a clinical nurse in community health in Canada and in developing countries (Antigua and Peru). For the past five years,I have worked as a research coordinator in diverse research projectsthat focus on immigrant health, cross-cultural communication, andbarriers to preventive health services and health promotion. In 1999, Iworked as a research consultant for 4 months in rural India exploring the relationship between social, economic and political autonomy of women and their health. In September 2003, I started my doctoral studies at University Laval in Health Promotion under the direction of Michel O'Neill with the firm conviction that health professionals have an important role to play in poverty reduction. My main areas of interest are Community Health, Social and Health Inequalities, Poverty Reduction, Social Exclusion, Participatory Research and International Health.

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