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Inter Faith Dynamism on HIV & AIDS in India: A Key Resource to Promote Health

By Dr. K. Balachandra Kurup, India

Kurup, Balachandra., Inter Faith Dynamism on HIV & AIDS in India: A Key Resource to Promote Health, Reviews of Health Promotion and Education Online, 2006. URL:5/index.htm.

Introduction: Faith and religious groups and HIV/Aids in India

In this paper, I would like to illustrate how faith and religious groups can be a primary resource for health promotion practice as it is the case about HIV/Aids in India. The Indian situation is frightening as, with South Africa, it is becoming one of the worst in the world.

There is much evidence demonstrating the power and role of Faith Leaders, Faith Based Organizations (FBO’s) and religious groups in mobilising people in faith, in healing and in inspiring suffers of all diseases and in all life situations. Therefore the unique role of Religious/faith leaders and their organisations as well as other spiritually inspired groups is to share their spiritual and compassionate side of human existence and treat people affected and at risk of HIV and AIDS with respect and love. In the Indian context, faith leaders, as trusted and respected members of society, might hold the key to mitigate the epidemic as they are influential in shaping social values and public opinion. Even though there is a general awareness about the epidemics, several communities are yet to realize the impact HIV and AIDS can have on community members, particularly in the provision of health care and in addressing issues related to stigma.

International Inter-Faith initiatives on HIV and AIDS

The Delhi Conference of the International Interfaith Coalition for Prevention and Control of HIV and AIDS took place in December 2004 and was the first step of a journey that brings together people of different faiths, languages, cultures and races, to jointly fight the pandemic of HIV and AIDS. 

After the DELHI DECLARATION, the common pilgrimage moved on to Bangalore for a Regional Round Table Consultation for the Southern States of India during June 18-19, 2005. This was jointly organized with the South East Asia Regional Bureau of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE).

The stage was thus set for the Second International Interfaith Conference on Prevention and Control of HIV and AIDS at Chennai, on the 7th and 8th of January 2006, in order to chalk out an action plan that would be acceptable to all. Faith leaders/ and Faith based Organizations (FBOs) from Pakistan, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia, Uganda and various parts of India participated in this conference (1). The formation of an All India Inter-Faith Coalition on HIV and AIDS was an integral part of the International Action Plan.

The All India Inter-Faith Coalition on HIV and AIDS

The Coalition is an umbrella organization of religions, faith movements and FBOs with the following objectives:

  • To be an institutional platform to share faith perspectives and approaches in working for HIV and AIDS;
  • To mobilize its membership and streamline the ethical dimensions of working for AIDS as well as to produce faith specific and Inter-faith advocacy materials;
  • To allow the possibility for FBOs and faith leadership to focus and work together on HIV and AIDS. The membership can provide direction and feed-back for quality and accountable work;
  • To identify successful FBO’s working at national, regional, state and grass root level and share the success stories for providing recognition and credibility;
  • To position religious faith voices in public, governance and media at various levels;
  • To liaise with International Inter-Faith movements and Forum for sharing the experiences and integrate the lessons for greater advocacy and networking;     

The Coalition is headed by an ad hoc Steering Committee and a Secretariat. The ad hoc Steering committee is composed of Prof. Akhtarul Wasey, Secretary, South Asia Interfaith Council, Chairperson and Sri. T.P. Radhakrishnan, Veda Vysaa Sabha Trust (VVST), as well as Dr. K. Balachandra Kurup (Senior Consultant), convenors. The secretariate will be at Chennai, with Satellite offices in all Indian states.  In its action plan, the Indian Inter-faith Council is planning a variety of networking, capacity building, training and development activities over the year to come, notably in the North-East of India as well as in Ajmir, Amritsar, and Ahmedabad. In Kerala, under the Chapter of the South East Asia Regional Bureau of IUHPE, three Inter-faith meetings have been organized since January 2006 and an action plan has been worked out for implementing the efforts of the All India Inter-faith Coalition on HIV and AIDS. Plans are under way for similar consultations in other Southern States for working out locally specific action plans through the State chapters of South East Asia Regional Bureau of IUHPE. 


Why do we think that such a process is an important resource to share with the rest of the world ? There are several reasons.

First, in many parts of the world societies have been secularized. Secular development in non-religious societies implying economic growth and rising living standards has been tried by many agencies to lift the poor out of misery but has often failed as it is unable to motivate and touch people at their emotional and spiritual levels. We thus think it is important for societies still having a strong religious presence to build on it.

Secondly, we think that even in secular societies, religious groups are often quite active and that working in inter-faith coalitions can decrease the risk of rejection one specific religious group can eventually experience by putting forward the collective elements they all share, i.e. compassion and the value of spirituality.

Finally, we think that this experience is quite in line with the increased interest shown about the spiritual dimensions of health and health promotion all over the world at the turning of the millennium and an interesting example of how countries of the South can be quite useful to countries of the Northern hemisphere of the globe.


(1)  The following list provides an idea of the types of religious/faith groups and leaders who participated:

  • Sri Sri Ravishankar, Art of Living International Foundation
  • His Grace Rev. Dr. Lawrence Pius, Auxiliary Bishop of Chennai
  • Maulana Khalid Saifulla Rehmani, Hyderabad
  • Farida Vahedi, Secrerary General, National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of India
  • Dato Jagadeesan, President, Satya saibaba group, Malaysia
  • Dr. Magid Kagimu, President, Islamic Medical Association, Uganda
  • Giani Ranjith Singh, Sikh community
  • Bishop D. K. Sahu, General Secretary, National Council of Churches in India (Protestants)
  • Acharya Dr. Sadhana Jain, Jain community
  • Brahmachari. Amarnath, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi math
  • His Grace Rev. Dr. Yuhannon Mar Chrysos, Bishop (Orthodox)
  • Venerable Phra Sommai, (Budhist Monk from Thailand)
  • Swami Agnivesh, International President, Arya Samaj
  • Dr. Hussain Madavoor, Chairman,Islamic Studies Centre,
  • Bhante Gyan Jagatji, Mahabodhi Society of India, Gaya
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Inter-faith Coalition on HIV/AIDS (2006). Inter-faith Coalition on HIV/AIDS: Plan of action submitted to the National AIDS Control Organization, New Delhi, March 2006.

Kurup, K.B. (2006).  Inter-faith dynamism on HIV and AIDS in India,  presented at the UNFPA training workshop, Accra, Ghana, March 21-22, 2006. URL:

Kurup, K. B. (2005). International Inter-faith conference on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS, Health Promotion and Education , Vol. XX, No.3, 36-43.

The Voluntary Health, Education and Rural Development Society (VHERDS) (2005). Proceedings of the Inter-faith forum for combating HIV and AIDS, Bangalore, June 18-19, 2005. URL:

The Voluntary Health, Education and Rural Development Society (VHERDS), Proceedings of the  Second International Inter-faith conference on HIV and AIDS, Chennai,  January 7-8, 2006. URL:

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