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Vancouver 2007 : six months to go and how RHPEO will help

By Michel O’Neill, Editor in chief, RHPEO; Sophie Dupéré, Managing Editor; Sébastien Courchesne-O’Neill, Webmaster.

O'Neill, Michel, Dupéré, Sophie & Courchesne-O'Neill, Sébastien., Vancouver 2007 : six months to go and how RHPEO will help, Reviews of Health Promotion and Education Online, 2006. URL:7/index.htm.

In a little more than six months, IUHPE’s 19th world conference will be a thing of the past and surely, as for the Olympics, the best ever! Considering that this event is a unique meeting point for so many health promoters from different corners of the world, RHPEO wishes to contribute to nourish debate and reflections in preparation to this conference. We intend to do so in three ways.

On the one hand, we have launched two weeks ago a sub-series of the Ottawa 1986- Vancouver 2007: Should the Ottawa Charter be revisited ? series. It aims at offering the 1200+ participants at the JASP day on the Ottawa Charter last October in Montreal

the possibility to pursue and share their reflections on the question of that day: Is the Ottawa Charter still useful for the practice of public health today ? (O’Neill, Dupéré et al., 2006). 

On the other hand, we have begun to try to identify all the events around the world which have occurred or will occur in order to celebrate or analyze the 20th anniversary of the Ottawa Charter so as to ask their organizers a contribution to the Ottawa 1986- Vancouver 2007 series. If you have organized such an event, or know someone who has at the local, regional, provincial, national or international level, please get in touch with us !

Finally, we have developed a joint venture with the Réseau francophone international en promotion de la santé (RÉFIPS) to disseminate the content of an international set of contributions they recently gathered on the Bangkok Charter and its aftermath. Here again, this will be done as a special sub-series of the Ottawa 1986- Vancouver 2007 one.

We are confident that all this will lead to a significant number of papers in the coming months, which is our way to contribute to the Vancouver pre-conference activity and reflection. Please remember that all members of the IUHPE who are interested can participate to the discussion by submitting their reactions to any paper in RHPEO; just look at the instructions at . Please also note that the other RHPEO series will continue during that period and that these coming months will be the swan song of the current editorial team, which is finishing its mandate in Vancouver after two terms of three years. The team has actually submitted a paper to IUHPE’s 19th World Conference, in order to present a critical analysis of the first six years of RHPEO, its main accomplishments as well as the factors that have helped or impaired them.

So we are very much looking forward to meeting you there, and in the mean time, we wish you all a wonderful holidays period as well as a coming year full of peace, health and joy; and we are looking forward to publishing you in RHPEO as well !

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O'Neill, Michel, Dupéré Sophie, et als., Le «message de Montréal» : la Charte d’Ottawa pour la promotion de la santé est encore utile pour la pratique de la santé publique d’aujourd’hui ! Reviews of Health Promotion and Education Online (RHPEO), 2006. URL: 6/index.htm

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