What we are doing

  • NEW! Short Online Course
    NEW! Short Online Course
  • Position Paper - Planetary Health
    Position Paper - Planetary Health
  • Position Paper - Health Literacy
    Position Paper - Health Literacy
  • People-Planet-Health
  • Opinion Piece on the Ukraine Crisis
    Opinion Piece on the Ukraine Crisis
  • IUHPE Strategic Plan: 2021-2026
    IUHPE Strategic Plan: 2021-2026
  • Become an IUHPE member
    Become an IUHPE member
  • 12th IUHPE European Conference
    12th IUHPE European Conference


The International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) is a global professional non-governmental organisation dedicated to health promotion around the world. For more than 65 years, IUHPE has operated an independent, global, professional network of people and institutions committed to improving the health and wellbeing of the people through education, community action and the development of healthy public policy. 
Health is a basic need and a human right. IUHPE supports actions that empower people to control their own health and that promote healthy societies. Learn more about us.

L'Union internationale de Promotion de la Santé et d'Éducation pour la Santé (UIPES) est une association mondiale unique, indépendante et professionnelle, qui rassemble des individus et des organisations engagés dans l'amélioration de la santé et du bien-être à travers l'éducation, l'action communautaire et le développement de politiques publiques favorables à la santé.
La santé est un besoin fondamental et un droit humain. L'UIPES soutient les actions qui donnent aux personnes les moyens pour contrôler leur propre santé, et qui promeuvent des sociétés en santé. En apprendre davantage sur l'UIPES.

La Unión Internacional de Promoción de la Salud y de Educación para la Salud (UIPES) es una asociación profesional independiente, única en su género y de alcance mundial, integrada por personas y organizaciones comprometidas en mejorar la salud y el bienestar a través de la educación, la acción comunitaria y el desarrollo de políticas públicas saludables.
La salud es una necesidad básica y un derecho humano. La UIPES apoya acciones que empoderan a las personas para controlar su salud y que promueven sociedades sanas. Aprender más sobre la UIPES.


Remembering Ian Young

IUHPE is saddened by the recent passing of Ian Young. We share tributes from those who knew and worked alongside him and extend our condolences to his loved ones.   Ian Macrae Young: MBE: A Tribute   It...

Health Literacy Position Statement 2nd Edition

IUHPE is pleased to share the most recent contribution from its Global Working Group on Health Literacy, approved by the IUHPE Executive Board following its meeting of September 27-29, 2023, in...

WHO-IUHPE Webinar Series

The Enhanced Well-being Unit, Department of Health Promotion at WHO-HQ invites you to a webinar series on ‘’Empowering Communities to Take Control over Their Health and Well-being.’’   Join us on...

Décolonisation: Appel à contributions à GHP

Appel à contributions pour la revue Global Health Promotion    Décoloniser les savoirs, les approches et les méthodologies en promotion de la santé   Merci de partager dans vos réseaux!   Selon la...