IUHPE is a not-for-profit organisation that secures its funding from different sources:

  • Membership fees: our institutional and individual members play a key role in supporting our work, including financially. Fees vary according to category and country following an equity scale.

  • Scientific activities: they comprise our regional and world conferences, publications, projects and other research-oriented endeavours.

  • Capacity-building activities: the main sources in this area are the IUHPE Health Promotion Accreditation System and the provision of training in health promotion competencies.


IUHPE also receives support from different partners. 

Montreal International (MI) has been instrumental in the opening of the International Secretariat in Montreal. In addition to granting a financial contribution to defray installation and operational costs, MI offers other resources as part of its International Organisations Program, including training and networking opportunities.

The International Secretariat is based at the School of Public Health of the University of Montreal (ESPUM). The UdeM makes significant resources available to IUHPE and provided financial support to the launching of our research and training activities in our new location. IUHPE’s staff and members of the Executive Board often participate in the intellectual life of the institution, contributing to the School’s rich academic environment.

Santé publique France is a long-standing IUHPE partner and hosts our Headquarters in its premises. These two organisations have been working closely together for several decades in the development of public health policies in France and to respond to the need to acquire knowledge and share experiences at the international level.

In 2012, SAGE Publishing decided to further support the work of the IUHPE by investing in the development of a new online communication tool. The goal was to bring together important resources for the health promotion field and facilitate exchange and networking between health promotion professionals around the world. The launching of this website was possible thanks to their sponsoring.