IUHPE thematic resources


Background, context to competency based approaches to Health Promotion 


Galway revisited: tracking global progress in core competencies and quality assurance for health education and health promotion. Health Education and Behavior. 39(6):643-7.


Allegrante, J.P., Barry, M.M., Auld, M.E.  and Lamarre, M.C.




An update on competency based approaches and quality assurance for Health Promotion since the Galway Consensus Statement (2009). 

Domains of core competency, standards, and quality assurance for building global capacity in health promotion: The Galway Consensus Conference Statement. Health Education and Behavior, 36(3):476-482. 


Allegrante, J. P., Barry, M. M., Airhihenbuwa, C. O., Auld, M. E., Collins, J., Lamarre, M. C., et al.




A report on the Galway Consensus Conference that aimed to promote international collaboration on competency approaches to Health Promotion and Health Education. 

See document here



Statements and Reports

Toward Domains of Core Competency for Building Global Capacity in Health Promotion: The Galway Consensus Conference Statement


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)




This Statement was issued as a result of the Toward International Collaboration on Competencies and Accreditation in Health Promotion and Health Education: the Galway Consensus Conference (June 2008), which aims to promote exchange and greater collaboration on the development of core competencies in health promotion and the strengthening of common approaches to capacity building and workforce development. The Statement identifies eight domains of core competency that are required to engage in effective health promotion practice.

Read the Galway Declaration

Testing the feasibility of a pan European framework for health promotion accreditation


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)


Barbara Battel-Kirk and Margaret Barry


IUHPE Research Report Series; 2009; 4 (1)


This report presents a summary of the progress and achievements of a pilot project which aimed to test the feasibility of implementing a pan-European framework for health promotion accreditation, undertaken by the Training, Accreditation and Professional Standards Sub- Committee of IUHPE EURO in 2007/2008. It includes an overview of the health promotion systems and structures within participating countries, identifies potential key stakeholders and lists the barriers and drivers to developing accreditation in each of the participating countries. Finally the report draws some conclusions on the findings in the context of developing a pan European accreditation system

Scoping study on training, accreditation and professional standards in health promotion


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)


Arantxa Santa-María Morales and Margaret Barry


IUHPE Research Report Series; 2007; 2 (1)


IUHPE Research Report Series vol. II, no. 1 2007 5 INTRODUCTION This report presents the findings of a scoping study carried out in 2005/6 to determine the current situation regarding the development of accreditation, training and professional standards in Health Promotion across the different countries in the European region.


Journal issues

Global Health Promotion; 16 (2); June 2009


International Perspectives on competencies and accreditation in health promotion and health education


This issue contains the background papers prepared for "Toward International Collaboration on Competencies and Accreditation in Health Promotion and Health Education: the Galway Consensus Conference," held June 18-16, 2008, at the National University of Ireland, Galway. It included scholarly papers reviewing international literature on competencies, presenting European developments and comparing the United Kingdom and the United States, and commissioned commentaries from Africa, Australia, Canada and Latin America. This journal edition is part of the collection of manuscripts prepared for the conference. The other half of the collection, on the developments in North America, is published in SOPHE's journal Health Education & Behaviour



A learning exchange between the USA and England: Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) & Communities for Health (C4H)


Trevor Hopkins, Michael Grady, Martin Gibbs, Charmaine Ruddock, Claire Blanchard, Ginder Narle, Jayne Norwood, Chris Brookes


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)




In 2008, the IUHPE, in collaboration with other regional, national and international organisations, embarked on a learning exchange between Communities for Health (C4H) in England and the Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health across the US (REACH US) communities that are tackling health inequalities.

The exchange comprised site visits in England and the US, then debrief meetings to extract lessons learnt from the visits followed by a conference to enable broader dissemination of efforts in June 2012. The exchange has resulted in the identification of key common themes, along with insight into the fundamentals of the efforts to address health disparities in each country and within the respective communities.

This report describes the lessons learned, drivers, factors for success and strategies that worked. it also presents recommendations for policy and practice at the local, national and global levels.

Read the Qualitative Analysis


Journals' issues

Global Health Promotion; 17 (Supp. 2); June 2010


Community Health Promotion Strategies and Non-Communicable Diseases in Africa


This special issue, focuses on:

  • Health promotion programmes conducted in community/village and/or in health care settings;

  • Health promotion strategies used to change knowledge, attitudes, beliefs or behavior to reduce risks for non-communicable diseases;

  • Education activities directed towards policy makers that address and promote attention to the growing burden of non-communicable diseases in the region;

  • Systems change and/or clinical interventions that reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases;

  • Policy interventions that improve access to services and resources that prevent non-communicable diseases and improve health outcomes; and

  • Environmental interventions that facilitate individual and community level changes,

Promotion & Education; 14 (2); June 2007


Community Health Promotion- creating the necessary conditions for health through community empowerment and participation


The issue covers many aspects of community health promotion from the elaboration of its interface with the principles of equity and considerations of population health to spot-lighting a series of case studies to enable a better understanding of what community health promotion involves and how participatory empowering methodologies can be used to harness community assets and why. In addition, the issue also features articles of practical relevance with respect to assisting countries and practitioners to examine whether their general activities in specific projects met current standards of good community health promotion practice, and providing guidance on participatory evaluation





Canterbury Health in All Policies Health Partnership(CHIAPP) Information Sheet 2: Background Information on Health Impact Assessment (HIA)


 Canterbury District Health Board




Access the document here

Evaluation: mode d’emploi (Instructions on how to evaluate programmes and interventions – in French)


Institut national de Prévention et d’Education pour la Santé (Inpes)




Ce dossier documentaire a été initié dans le cadre de la réfl exion menée par l’Inpes sur l’évaluation dans son champ d’expertise. Sans prétention à l’exhaustivité, il regroupe des défi nitions et des articles de méthodologie permettant de mieux comprendre la place de l’évaluation et donne des éléments de méthode et de pratique pour mettre en oeuvre l’évaluation dans le champ de la promotion et de l’éducation pour la santé.

Accédez au dossier ici


Rostros de Iberoamérica (FACES in Latin America)


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), Association for Safe International Travel (ASIRT), Gonzalo Rodriguez Memorial Foundation




This publication provides a framework for civil society involvement in road safety efforts in their respective countries and is used by road safety NGOs to raise awareness of the social and economic magnitude and impact of road crashes in Latin America. This resource also contributes to raising awareness of key stakeholders, policy and decision makers on the need to address key risk factors; energizing victims and civil society groups; and encouraging the enactment of effective, proven interventions, including post-crash and disability support for injured survivors and their families.

Read FACES in Latin america (in Spanish)

Improving Global Road Safety: Towards Equitable and Sustainable Development - Guidelines for Country Road Safety Engagement


The World Bank, in collaboration with the IUHPE, CDC, and Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF),




This key tool aims to assist the identification, preparation and implementation of multilateral development bank investment projects designed to improve country road safety performance and to encourage stronger linkages between the health and transport sectors.

These guidelines were adapted from a report of the Argentina Road Safety Project case study exemplifying the innovative application of the new guidelines.

The Guidelines are available in English or in Spanish

Youth for Road Safety Action Kit


Youth for Road Safety (YOURS), International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE),




This is a guide available to all young people around the world and aims to make road safety accessible to youth everywhere.

Access the YOURS Kit



Evidence of Health Promotion Effectiveness in Africa


(African Programme on Health Promotion Effectiveness - APHPE)


Mary Amuyunzu-Nyamongo and David Nyamawa




The APHPE, through support from the IUHPE, has conducted a literature review on health promotion in the region and has commissioned a comprehensive set of manuscripts for a publication on Health Promotion Effectiveness. The main aim of this publication is to provide evidence that health promotion is an effective approach to addressing health and development issues. It is therefore anticipated to be an advocacy tool for health promotion in the region. The publication will also serve as a reference manual for training in health promotion, and will potentially increase recognition of the context of health promotion in the African region.

For further information, please see the rationale and the order form.

GPHPE Monograph vol. 1- Global Perspective on Health Promotion


International Union for Health Promotion and education (IUHPE)
(Global Programme on Health Promotion Effectiveness - GPHPE)




23 chapters from 55 contributors representing 6 continents who analyse major programmes around the world and evaluate their effectiveness. The chapters have significant implications for practitioners involved in implementing health promotion programmes. It serves as a vital source of frontline knowledge for researchers and students of public health.

Click here to purchase a copy.



The Evidence of Health Promotion Effectiveness: Shaping Public Health in a New Europe


International Union for Health Promotion and education (IUHPE)




This report, prepared for the European Commission, assesses 20 years evidence of the health, social, economic eff_covand political impacts of health promotion and recommendations for action.

This book is available in print and electronically in English (Part 1- Core document / Part 2- Evidence book) and Spanish (1a parte- Documento base / 2a parte- Libro de Evidencia)

Print-only versions are available in French, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian and Russian.

To order a print copy, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Journals' issues

Global Health Promotion; 18 (1); March 2011


GPHPE: what is the effectiveness of using evidence? A global collection of case studies

Guest Editor

Louise Potvin


This collection of case studies reflects and demonstrates how research evidence derived from epidemiological studies, evaluation research, research synthesis, and meta-analysis is used and translated to address health challenges locally.
Altogether, the case studies collected present a discussion of the evidence that was used in support of the intervention or policy. In addition, the authors analyse how and by whom this evidence was produced and how this evidence was used and adapted in the intervention, program or policy.
Practitioners and policy-makers will benefit from the experiences documented and evidence-producers will be challenged by the questions related to use of research for health promotion development.

Promotion & Education; 14 (Supp. 1); March 2007


Evaluation of Health Promotion Effectiveness in Brazil. Proceedings from the 1st Brazilian Seminar on Health Promotion Effectiveness. May 10th-13th, 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Promotion & Education; 12 (Supp. 2); June 2005


The Evidence of mental health promotion effectiveness: strategies for action

Promotion & Education; 12 (Supp. 1); March 2005


The challenge of getting evidence into practice: current debates and future strategies

Promotion & Education; 11 (Supp. 1);March 2004


The effectiveness of health promotion: proceedings from a symposium organised by the French Institute for Prevention and Health Education (INPES) in collaboration with the IUHPE

Promotion & Education; 9 (4); December 2002


5th European Conference on the Effectiveness and Quality of Health Promotion: New dimensions in promoting health - linking health promotion programmes with public policies



Shaping the future of health promotion: priorities for action


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)




This Statement presents key recommendations for policy-makers in a variety of domains and shapingsectors. It presents the conditions which are necessary for sustainable and effective health promotion, and the political action which is needed to support and maintain it. It will also contains a brief analysis of health promotion's contextual development and implementation, including opportunities and assets.

Read this trinlingual statement (in English, French and Spanish)


Journals' issues

Global Health Promotion; 15 (Supp. 1); March 2008


Health Promotion: Francophone Research and Perspectives - Proceedings from the Francophone International Conference "Health promotion and health education: State of knowledge and research needs" February 8- 9, 2007, Luxembourg

Promotion & Education; 14 (4); December 2007


Shaping the future of health promotion: Progress and Recommendations. Statement and Field reports from the joint project of the CCHPR and the IUHPE Renewing our Commitment to the Ottawa Charter: The way forward

Promotion & Education; 14 (Supp. 2); June 2007


The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion - A critical reflection. Background to the 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education. "Health Promotion Comes of Age: Research, Policy & Practice for the 21st Century"

Promotion & Education; 12 (3); September 2005


Integrating health promotion and prevention in health systems: Proceedings from the 2nd International conference on local and regional health programmes. October 12-15, 2004, Quebec, Canada



Position Statement: Beating NCDs equitably - Ten system requirements for health promotion and the primary prevention of NCDs


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)

(Trevor Shilton)




Since the UN High Level Meeting on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) in New York in 2011 the world has seen ambitious targets set, only to be met with a failure to fully implement and thus achieve those targets. Why is this? The UN Secretary General notes a lack of commitment to bold policies as a key barrier to progress (UNGA, 2017).
In this paper the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) proposes that it is lack of investment in the necessary health promotion and primary prevention systems that best explains the lack of progress globally on NCDs. Here the IUHPE articulates its position regarding ten system requirements for strengthening health promotion as a primary mechanism for meeting the WHO Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD) Targets and related UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Noncommunicable diseases are substantially preventable. Recognition that NCD prevention and control is as much a political issue as a technical one underpins the need to take a systems approach to the prevention and control of NCDs. In the words of WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, “we must protect health at its root causes, or we are fighting an inferno with a garden hose” (WHO, 2017).
The IUHPE has identified ten key system requirements that should be included in a ‘new’ system to support health promotion and the primary prevention of NCDs.

Download the Position Statement

Download the summary in English

Téléchargez le résumé en français

Policy Brief: Building global capacity for non-communicable diseases (NCD) prevention


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)




Chronic diseases, also referred to globally as non-communicable diseases (NCDs), are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in both the economically advanced countries of the world as well as in economically poorer countries, the socalled LMICs (lower and middle income countries). While there are established preventive and health promotion approaches to mitigate the effects of NCDs which are embedded in the public health and health services infrastructure in developed countries, there is often little or no such infrastructure in the LMICs. This contributes to the growth of health inequalities between countries. The nature and strength of capacity for dealing with NCDs in LMICs has been of concern to public health and health promotion institutions in both developed and developing countries. Most poorer countries lack very specific as well as systemic infrastructure. In order to gain a better understanding of this problem, the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) convened a three-day workshop in Atlanta, USA to consider priorities for the global efforts for building NCD capacity in LMICs. The invited attendees at this workshop consisted of a broad range of leaders and institutions concerned with capacity building in LMICs.

Their observations and recommendations are presented in this policy brief.

Download the Policy Brief

Global framework for capacity building for non-communicable disease advocacy in low- and middle- income countries


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), Heart Foundation and Interamerican Heart Foundation
(Trevor Shilton, Beatriz Champagne, Claire Blanchard, Marian Lorena Ibarra Avila and Vijj Kasemsup)




The global framework for capacity building for Non-Communicable Disease mobilization in low- and middle-income countries was developed for potential Global application based on experiences in Thailand and Colombia and to guide planning, design, development and evaluation of such workshops.

Download the Global Framework



International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)




This brief ‘key messages’ and call to actionpaper aims to better enable IUHPE Officers, Board Members, Regional Committee Members and Members to advocate for health promotion approaches to NCD prevention in a unified way – and importantly to enable the Organization to speak with an authoritative, consistent and unified voice in multiple forums and in all regions on the subject of NCD Prevention. It is presented as a brief summary document with key actions that the IUHPE seeks. 

Download the Call to Action in English (short version)the long versionin French and in Spanish



Journals' issues and articles

Global Health Promotion; 25 (3); December 2018


Trevor Shilton, Graham Robertson


Beating non-communicable diseases equitably – let’s get serious


The editorial presents IUHPE's position statement Beating NCDs equitably - Ten system requirements for health promotion and the primary prevention of NCDs. This statement reflects a serious concern that if we expect health promotion to have any impact on the prevention and control of NCDs, then viewing health promotion as a system and investing in it adequately and sustainably is essential.

This editorial is available in English, in French and in Spanish.

Global Health Promotion; 17 (Supp. 2); June 2010


Community Health Promotion Strategies to address Non-communicable Diseases in Africa


The Supplement focuses on health promotion strategies in the fight against non-communicable diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa. The content was put together following a call for both Scholarly papers and commentaries relating to the implementation of health promotion and health education programmes in Africa.



Global Advocacy for Physical Activity (GAPA)

GAPA Postcard


Global Advocacy Council for Physical Activity, International Society for Physical Activity and Health.




GAPA's postcard is an important resource for communicating key messages and encouraging policy makers to act now on physical activity for better health and wellbeing.

Download a copy of the GAPA postcard visit www.globalpa.org.uk

Investments that work for Physical Activity


Global Advocacy Council for Physical Activity, International Society for Physical Activity and Health.




Non Communicable Disease Prevention: Investments that Work for Physical Activity has been written by GAPA (Global Advocacy for Physical Activity) as a complementary document to the Toronto Charter for Physical Activity: A Global Call for Action. Investments that Work identifies seven best investments to increase population levels of physical activity which, if applied at sufficient scale will make a significant contribution to reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases and promote population health. In addition, these investments will contribute to improving the quality of life and the environments in which we live.

Download a copy of Investments that Work now available in English, French and Spanish. For all other languages, please click here

Toronto Charter for Physical Activity : A Global Call for Action


Global Advocacy Council for Physical Activity, International Society for Physical Activity and Health.




The Toronto Charter for Physical Activity is an advocacy tool designed to help elevate the importance of physical activity as a policy priority throughout the world. The Toronto Charter provides a clear framework relevant to all countries on how to initiate or continue national population-based approaches to physical activity. It defines a set of priority areas for action relevant to all sectors and provides a unifying focus for building partnerships and taking joint action. The Charter is an advocacy tool for use by all involved in physical activity at the local, regional and national level.

Download a copy of the Toronto Charter for Physical Activity in English, French and Spanish. For all other 13 languages, please click here.


Other sources

Global Partnering to Promote Physical Activity in the Larger Context of Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Miami 2


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/World Health Organization (CDC/WHO) Collaborating Center Workshop




From January 31 – February 2, 2011, the CDC/WHO Collaborating Center for Physical Activity and Health hosted a three-day workshop entitled “Global Partnering to Promote Physical Activity in the Larger Context of Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Miami 2”.

The purpose of the workshop was to:

  • Reassess physical activity promotion needs globally,

  • Help determine which organizations are best positioned to help with specific activities, and

  • Suggest how adequate funding might be achieved.

Read the report from this meeting


Journals' issues

Lancet series; 18 July 2012


The lancet Series on Physical Activity


On the occasion of the 2012 Olympic Games, The Lancet published a Series on physical activity, including a new analysis that quantifies the global impact of physical inactivity on the world's major non-communicable diseases. The Series also reviews current levels of physical activity and trends worldwide, why some people are active and why some are not, evidence-based strategies for effective physical activity promotion, and how a multi-sector and systems-wide approach that goes way beyond health will be critical to increase population-levels of activity worldwide.

Promotion & Education; 13 (2); June 2006


Promoting physical activity globally


The issue covers global physical activity promotion, including health promotion and surveillance in physical activity-linked to the work in the Southwest Pacific region; global and regional physical activity networks; evidence-based approaches and policy development; and advocacy for physical activity.



Monitoring and assessing progress in health promoting schools: issues for policy-makers to consider


Ian Young, Lawrence St Leger, Claire Blanchard




This paper explores briefly the different types of tools that are available at present for monitoring and assessing progress in health promoting schools. It also offers a brief review of the practical issues that policy makers and practitioners have had to overcome in developing such tools. It is aimed at assisting professionals, with an interest in school health promotion, who are in the early stages of monitoring the progress of health promotion in their schools. It also provi des selected references for those wishing to explore the issues in more details

Access the paper

Facilitating Dialogue between the Health and Education Sectors to advance School Health Promotion and Education


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)




In August 2012, the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) published a new document on Facilitating Dialogue between the Health and Education Sectors to advance School Health Promotion and Education. The document, currently available in English, is for policy makers and practitioners in the health and education sectors and for non-governmental organisations.
It is designed to provide the stakeholders in school health with simple and practical insights into facilitating and improving dialogue between health and education and does so by:

  • Identifying the current dilemmas

  • Exploring ‘what are realistic outcomes for school health', and

  • Indicating strategies that have a high degree of success.


    Access the paper

Promoting Health in Schools: From evidence to Action


International Union for Health Promotion and education (IUHPE)




This document complements the recommendations to establish and sustain health promotion in schools set out in the Guidelines to Promote Health in Schools document (below). It is an advocacy document for the health and education sectors to undertake school health promotion activities based on the evidence of effectiveness.
The document provides succinct evidence-based arguments to support the need for school health promotion and advocates for a whole school (Health Promoting Schools) approach to strategically plan and implement school health initiatives.
The content includes brief summaries of the latest evidence of effectiveness in building the health knowledge, behaviours and competencies in young people to prevent non-communicable diseases. It is intended to address policy and decision-makers and education officials in a manner that is understood and applicable to both sectors.

The document is available in Arabic, Simple Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, French,Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.


Achieving Health Promoting Schools: Guidelines to Promote Health in Schools


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)




This document provides the blueprint for improving the evidence base to promote health in schools, including 1) the principles of health promotion in schools; and 2) support to plan and implement school health promotion. This document has been produced under the collaboration agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under the school health programme.

The document is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

Case Studies in Global School Health Promotion: From Research to Practice


Cheryl Vince Whitman and Carmen E. Aldinger




This global collection of case studies, from a dozen countries, offers a world of insights, ideas, and guidance to those addressing social determinants of health at this formative stage, including: education and health policy makers; professionals and administrators; and researchers in national governments, universities, local schools, community, non-governmental organizations and civil society. The material provides interesting and useful information to those dedicated to these issues within WHO, FRESH (Focus Resources on Effective School Health) Partners and other United Nations agencies. It is also an instructive text for graduate students in public health, education, allied health professions and social sciences.

Further information available here


Journals' issues

Promotion & Education; 12 (3-4); September 2005


Global School Health Promotion

Supported by

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


The issue presents a global portrait of the present state and future challenges for school health promotion. This publication is acknowledged as a key document in the international development of health promotion in schools.
The content is both informative and stimulating in terms of understanding developments to date and in setting priorities for future action in school health promotion. Authored by invited specialists from all continents, it:

  • describes experiences and presents reports and case studies from across the World;

  • identifies major opportunities to improve health promotion in schools in all countries;

  • demonstrates that promoting health in schools is associated with improved educational achievements as well as measurable improvements in important health indicators;

  • makes the case for improving the health of staff as well as students.

Many of the commissioned papers make the case that there is an emerging body of global evidence which demonstrates the effectiveness of a health promotion approach in schools and gives clear directions for effective ways of working.


Also visit http://www.schools-for-all.org/, a shared workspace used by several organizations as a place to exchange knowledge based on both research evidence and professional experience to promote the use of programs, policies and practices that can be acted upon in the real world!



Books & Reports

What We Heard Report: Aligning Wellbeing Budgeting with Health Promotion: Opportunities and Reflections

Rapport sur ce que nous avons entendu : Harmonisation de la budgétisation bien-être avec la promotion de la santé : Possibilité et réflexions


Public Health Agency of Canada, National Collaborating Centre for Health Public Policy, Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Statistics Canada, and the What Works Centre for Wellbeing.

L’Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC), le Centre de collaboration nationale sur les politiques publiques et la santé (CCNPPS), l’Institut finlandais pour la santé et le bien-être, le ministère finlandais des Affaires sociales et de la Santé, What Works Centre for Wellbeing, et Statistique Canada.




As part of the 2022 IUHPE World Conference, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) co-developed a workshop with representatives from the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP), the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the What Works Centre for Wellbeing, and Statistics Canada. This session offered an opportunity for wellbeing budgeting to be discussed with an international audience, to increase awareness of wellbeing budgeting within and outside of the public health sector, and to highlight the importance of the public health sector’s role within this initiative.


Dans le cadre de la conférence mondiale de l’UIPES en 2022, l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC) a organisé un atelier avec des représentants du Centre de collaboration nationale sur les politiques publiques et la santé (CCNPPS), de l’Institut finlandais pour la santé et le bien-être, du ministère finlandais des Affaires sociales et de la Santé, du What Works Centre for Wellbeing et de Statistique Canada. Cet atelier a permis de discuter de la budgétisation liée au bien-être avec un public international, d’accroître la sensibilisation au budget du bien-être au sein et en dehors du secteur de la santé publique et de souligner l’importance du rôle du secteur de la santé publique dans le cadre de cette initiative.


Click here to read the document in English or French

Delivery mechanisms of prevention and health promotion for socioeconomically vulnerable populations: an exploratory study


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) and French national institute for prevention and health education (Inpes)




Click here to read the document in English (see below for the French).

Étude exploratoire de politiques de prise en charge des personnes précaires sous l’angle de la prévention et de la promotion de la santé 


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) and French national institute for prevention and health education (Inpes)




Click here to read the document (in French).



International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)




Click here to read the document.



International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)




Click here to read the document.

Living conditions and determinants of social position amongst women of child-bearing age in very poor ruralities: qualitative exploratory studies in India, Ghana and Haiti


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)
IUHPE Research Report Series 5 (1)


Torill Bull and Maurice B. Mittelmark




This IUHPE Research Report Series funded by the Department of Health of England and sponsored by the IUHPE.
The aim of this project was to identify indicators of living conditions and social position amongst women of child‐bearing age in very poor ruralities. Field visits were undertaken in rural communities in India, Haiti and Ghana, where expert Reference Groups were consulted, key informant interviews were conducted, focus group discussions were held, and observations were made. 
The report makes suggestions for aspects of living conditions and determinants of social position that might be measured in survey research and in surveillance systems so that the social determinants of health (SDH) relevant in very poor ruralities can be monitored and used in public health work. 
This study is exploratory, meant as a stepping stone to further work in research programme Social Determinants of Health in Very Poor Ruralities.


Réduire les Inégalités sociales de Santé en France (Reducing social inequalities in health)


French national institute for prevention and health education (Inpes)




The IUHPE has collaborated towards the development of a publication of the French Institute for Prevention and Health Education (Inpes.) This publication, which was drafted with the contribution of around 50 renowned experts, is a guide for action collecting national and international experiences aimed at reducing social inequalities in health. Its objective is to provide readers with scientifically valid knowledge and evaluated best practices which project managers can draw from.
The publication is part of a larger project aimed at the development of health promotion strategies to reduce social inequalities in health in France. The first step of this initiative consisted in the organization of an international session dedicated to this topic at the French Annual Conference on Prevention in 2008.
The results of this research will be widely disseminated at the 4th International Symposium of Local and Regional Health Programs (PLRS - Ottawa, 27-30 June 2011) and at the French Annual Conference on Prevention organized by Inpes (Journées de la Prevention - Paris 19-20 May 2011).

Click here for further information

Please click here to read an interview with Louise Potvin about this publication (in French).

DETERMINE Action Summary


DETERMINE Consortium




The first report of DETERMINE's work provides an overview of the outcomes and the key messages that have emerged as result of the Consortium's activities in 2008. It also provides specific examples of what various EU member states are doing to address and stimulate action on the social and economic determinants of health inequities at European Union levels.

Click here to read the document

'Voices from other fields'- Working document


DETERMINE Consortium




As part of the work on DETERMINE, IUHPE and EuroHealthNet supported Consortium partners in consultations with over 40 policy makers and politicians in 19 EU countries. The main findings are analysed and collected in this Working Document in order to guide the future work of the Consortium.

Click here to read the document


Journal issues

Global Health Promotion; 16 (1); March 2009


Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity through Action on the Social Determinants of Health. An International Conference Based on the Work of the WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health, 6 - 7 November 2008, London


This Supplement contains transcriptions of the keynote addresses, interviews and panels during the conference. It received support for the production from the Department of Health of England.

>Watch the videos with presentations from the conference




Model Legislation for Tobacco Control: A policy development and legislative drafting manual


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)




This Manual is designed to assist policy makers in designing and implementing evidence-based tobacco control legislation. The Manual was developed after studying tobacco control laws and regulations from countries and regions of the world. It then went through a rigorous review process by a diverse group of tobacco control experts with legal, policy, scientific and programming experience to ensure its broad applicability for countries ready for tobacco control legislation.

Read the manual here


Journals' issues

Global Health Promotion; 17 (Supp. 1); March 2010

Guest Editor

Karen Slama


Tobacco Control and Health Equity


This issue contains articles based on presentations for the IUHPE-organised seesions during the 14th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, March 2009, in Mumbai, India.

Global Health Promotion; 16 (Supp. 2); March 2009

Guest Editor

Charles G. Warren


Global Tobacco Surveillance


This issue, supported by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), presents the the Global Tobacco Surveillance System (GTSS). The GTSS provides a flexible system that includes common data items but allows countries to include important unique information at their discretion in order to monitor and evaluate National Tobacco Control Action Plans and articles from the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), the world's first public health treaty on tobacco control. The synergy between the WHO FCTC, National Tobacco Control Action Plans, and GTSS offers countries a unique opportunity to develop, implement, and evaluate their comprehensive tobacco control programs.

Promotion & Education; 12 (Supp. 4); March 2005


The growing crisis of tobacco consumption in francophone Africa


The publication provides a snapshot of existing knowledge on the tobacco situation in French-speaking Africa and the emerging responses to control the growing epidemic. Articles present current data on prevalence, an assessment of the health and economic impact of tobacco in the region, the tobacco industry's market expansion forecasts and their strategies to deflect public health measures. Specific topics particularly relevant to the region such as smuggling, poverty and advertising are covered by short articles commissioned from Francophone African journalists. It also includes an analysis of initiatives and developments in health promotion and tobacco control, which illustrate how the region organises itself both locally and internationally to best respond and impede the growing epidemic.


This series in the IUHPE publications' family features Research reports on strategic topics relevant to the mission, vision and work of the IUHPE.


2011- Volume 6

Volume 6, Number 1, 2011:

Scoping Study - Health Promotion Workforce capacity and Education and Training Needs in Low and Middle Income Countries by B. Battel-Kirk & M. M. Barry


2010- Volume 5

Volume 5, Number 1, 2010:

Living conditions and determinants of social position amongst women of child-bearing age in very poor ruralities: qualitative exploratory studies in Ghana, India and Haiti by T. Bull & M. B. Mittelmark


2009- Volume 4

Volume 4, Number 1, 2009:

Testing the feasibility of a pan European framerwork for health promotion accreditation by B. Battel-Kirk & M. B. Barry


2008- Volume 3

Volume 3, Number 1, 2008:

How can RHP&EO best contribute to the IUHPE mission, goals and objectives, given the strategic directions for 2007-2013? by T. Bull


Volume 3, Number 2, 2008:

A comparative analysis of 19 international journals in and near the field of health promotion/education- Types of content and how contents are organised and presented by G. Holmefjord


2007- Volume 2

Volume 2, Number 1, 2007:

Scoping study on training, accreditation and professional standards in health promotion by Arantxa Santa-Maria Morales and Margaret Barry


Volume 2, Number 2, 2007:

A critical assessment of the first six years of the IUHPE's Reviews of Health Promotion & Education Online by Sophie Duperé, Sébastien Courchesne-O'Neill and Michel O'Neill


2006- Volume 1

Volume 1, Number 1, 2006:

Interactive processes in global partnership: a case study of the Global Programme for Health Promotion Effectiveness by J. Hope Corbin


Volume 1, Number 2, 2006:

Higher education in health promotion in Europe- A comparative analysis of Master's level training programmes in HP-Source.net by Claudia Konig


Volume 1, Number 3, 2006:

INGO Accountability : keeping faith with all stakeholders . A multiple case study of two international non-governmental associations in health by Marianne van der Wel



National Agenda of Priorities in Health Research (NAPHR): focus on agenda 18 – Health Promotion


Marco Akerman and André Fischer




Written by Marco Akerman; Lecturer, Public Health School, Universidade de São Paulo. Professor in Collective Health, Medical School, ABC and André Fischer; Medical undergraduate student, Medical School, ABC.

To access the document, please click here




World Alliance for Risk Factor Surveillance White Paper on Surveillance and Health Promotion


Stefano Campostrini, David McQueen, Anne Taylor and Alison Daly




This document is an effort by a key group of researchers and practitioners of risk factor surveillance to define the current state of the art and to identify the key issues involved in the current practice of behavioral risk factor surveillance.

To access the white paper, please click here



Bojana Beric, IUHPE/NARO VP for Communications & Representative to UN, has compiled “Important UN Resources”

This document is a compilation of reports and summaries by various UN agencies, guided by the MDGs and covering a wide range of sectors (such as poverty, health, employment, food systems, environment, economy, etc.). It offers valuable information for health promotion practitioners, researchers and policy makers