Position Statement: Beating NCDs equitably - Ten system requirements for health promotion and the primary prevention of NCDs


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)

(Trevor Shilton)




Since the UN High Level Meeting on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) in New York in 2011 the world has seen ambitious targets set, only to be met with a failure to fully implement and thus achieve those targets. Why is this? The UN Secretary General notes a lack of commitment to bold policies as a key barrier to progress (UNGA, 2017).
In this paper the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) proposes that it is lack of investment in the necessary health promotion and primary prevention systems that best explains the lack of progress globally on NCDs. Here the IUHPE articulates its position regarding ten system requirements for strengthening health promotion as a primary mechanism for meeting the WHO Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD) Targets and related UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Noncommunicable diseases are substantially preventable. Recognition that NCD prevention and control is as much a political issue as a technical one underpins the need to take a systems approach to the prevention and control of NCDs. In the words of WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, “we must protect health at its root causes, or we are fighting an inferno with a garden hose” (WHO, 2017).
The IUHPE has identified ten key system requirements that should be included in a ‘new’ system to support health promotion and the primary prevention of NCDs.

Download the Position Statement

Download the summary in English

Téléchargez le résumé en français

Policy Brief: Building global capacity for non-communicable diseases (NCD) prevention


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)




Chronic diseases, also referred to globally as non-communicable diseases (NCDs), are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in both the economically advanced countries of the world as well as in economically poorer countries, the socalled LMICs (lower and middle income countries). While there are established preventive and health promotion approaches to mitigate the effects of NCDs which are embedded in the public health and health services infrastructure in developed countries, there is often little or no such infrastructure in the LMICs. This contributes to the growth of health inequalities between countries. The nature and strength of capacity for dealing with NCDs in LMICs has been of concern to public health and health promotion institutions in both developed and developing countries. Most poorer countries lack very specific as well as systemic infrastructure. In order to gain a better understanding of this problem, the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) convened a three-day workshop in Atlanta, USA to consider priorities for the global efforts for building NCD capacity in LMICs. The invited attendees at this workshop consisted of a broad range of leaders and institutions concerned with capacity building in LMICs.

Their observations and recommendations are presented in this policy brief.

Download the Policy Brief

Global framework for capacity building for non-communicable disease advocacy in low- and middle- income countries


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), Heart Foundation and Interamerican Heart Foundation
(Trevor Shilton, Beatriz Champagne, Claire Blanchard, Marian Lorena Ibarra Avila and Vijj Kasemsup)




The global framework for capacity building for Non-Communicable Disease mobilization in low- and middle-income countries was developed for potential Global application based on experiences in Thailand and Colombia and to guide planning, design, development and evaluation of such workshops.

Download the Global Framework



International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)




This brief ‘key messages’ and call to actionpaper aims to better enable IUHPE Officers, Board Members, Regional Committee Members and Members to advocate for health promotion approaches to NCD prevention in a unified way – and importantly to enable the Organization to speak with an authoritative, consistent and unified voice in multiple forums and in all regions on the subject of NCD Prevention. It is presented as a brief summary document with key actions that the IUHPE seeks. 

Download the Call to Action in English (short version)the long versionin French and in Spanish



Journals' issues and articles

Global Health Promotion; 25 (3); December 2018


Trevor Shilton, Graham Robertson


Beating non-communicable diseases equitably – let’s get serious


The editorial presents IUHPE's position statement Beating NCDs equitably - Ten system requirements for health promotion and the primary prevention of NCDs. This statement reflects a serious concern that if we expect health promotion to have any impact on the prevention and control of NCDs, then viewing health promotion as a system and investing in it adequately and sustainably is essential.

This editorial is available in English, in French and in Spanish.

Global Health Promotion; 17 (Supp. 2); June 2010


Community Health Promotion Strategies to address Non-communicable Diseases in Africa


The Supplement focuses on health promotion strategies in the fight against non-communicable diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa. The content was put together following a call for both Scholarly papers and commentaries relating to the implementation of health promotion and health education programmes in Africa.