A learning exchange between the USA and England: Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) & Communities for Health (C4H)


Trevor Hopkins, Michael Grady, Martin Gibbs, Charmaine Ruddock, Claire Blanchard, Ginder Narle, Jayne Norwood, Chris Brookes


International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)




In 2008, the IUHPE, in collaboration with other regional, national and international organisations, embarked on a learning exchange between Communities for Health (C4H) in England and the Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health across the US (REACH US) communities that are tackling health inequalities.

The exchange comprised site visits in England and the US, then debrief meetings to extract lessons learnt from the visits followed by a conference to enable broader dissemination of efforts in June 2012. The exchange has resulted in the identification of key common themes, along with insight into the fundamentals of the efforts to address health disparities in each country and within the respective communities.

This report describes the lessons learned, drivers, factors for success and strategies that worked. it also presents recommendations for policy and practice at the local, national and global levels.

Read the Qualitative Analysis


Journals' issues

Global Health Promotion; 17 (Supp. 2); June 2010


Community Health Promotion Strategies and Non-Communicable Diseases in Africa


This special issue, focuses on:

  • Health promotion programmes conducted in community/village and/or in health care settings;

  • Health promotion strategies used to change knowledge, attitudes, beliefs or behavior to reduce risks for non-communicable diseases;

  • Education activities directed towards policy makers that address and promote attention to the growing burden of non-communicable diseases in the region;

  • Systems change and/or clinical interventions that reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases;

  • Policy interventions that improve access to services and resources that prevent non-communicable diseases and improve health outcomes; and

  • Environmental interventions that facilitate individual and community level changes,

Promotion & Education; 14 (2); June 2007


Community Health Promotion- creating the necessary conditions for health through community empowerment and participation


The issue covers many aspects of community health promotion from the elaboration of its interface with the principles of equity and considerations of population health to spot-lighting a series of case studies to enable a better understanding of what community health promotion involves and how participatory empowering methodologies can be used to harness community assets and why. In addition, the issue also features articles of practical relevance with respect to assisting countries and practitioners to examine whether their general activities in specific projects met current standards of good community health promotion practice, and providing guidance on participatory evaluation