GWG on Salutogenesis

What is the Salutogenic orientation?

Salutogenesis is a concept originally developed by Aaron Antonovsky (1979, 1987). In the broadest sense, salutogenesis refers to a scholarly orientation focusing attention on the study of the origins of health, instead of the origins of disease. In essence, salutogenesis is concerned with positive health, creating coherent living environments, strengthening socio-ecological health resources as well as strengthening the sense of coherence of individuals and groups. As all these aspects well align with the orientation of health promotion, salutogenesis has become a guiding theory for the field of health promotion (see Handbook of Salutogenesis).


Background and Organisation

The Global Working Group was established in 2007 at the IUHPE General Assembly, in Vancouver, Canada – to advance and promote the science of salutogenesis within health promotion.

The Global Working Group on Salutogenesis (GWG-Sal) is an international and interdisciplinary group with the following membership: the group consist of up to 20 members representing different world regions and research areas of salutogenesis. Members are elected by this group for a period of 5 years (repeated elections possible). It is responsible for implementing the action plan of the GWG-Sal.

To broaden the reach of Salutogenesis within and beyond the field of health promotion, the GWG-SAL founded the Society for Theory and Research on Salutogenesis STARS as a transdisciplinary platform for scientific exchange between researchers in the field of salutogenesis. The society is a bridge between the International Union for Health Promotion and Education's (IUHPE) Global Working Group on Salutogenesis (GWG-Sal), and the broader scientific community working in areas other than health promotion. STARS welcomes anyone with an interest in the science of salutogenesis! register here!




Ø  To advance and promote the science of salutogenesis (philosophy, theory, methodology, evidence) and thus to contribute to the scientific base of health promotion and of the IUHPE



Along with the general aims of the GWGs of the IUHPE, the GWG-Sal pursues the following objectives:

  • salutogenesis-related agenda-setting for, within and beyond the IUHPE;

  • contribution of the salutogenic approach to the IUHPE and other scientific programs;

  • engage with key (regional) research fields and stakeholders for capacity building regarding salutogenesis.


Working principles

  • Considering principles of the Ottawa Charter

  • Inclusiveness regarding regions, gender, age etc.

  • Coherent work plan: comprehensible, manageable, meaningful for GWG members

  • Voluntary engagement through joyful experience

  • Feasibility: link meetings of GWG-Sal to related health promotion conferences


If you like to know more about or get involved in any of the below activities, please contact the Chair of the GWG-Sal: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  1. Organize annual meetings of the GWG-Sal

  2. “Society for Theory and Research on Salutogenesis” STARS (founded in 2017): STARS provides a trans-disciplinary platform for exchange between researchers in the field of salutogenesis. STARS reaches out to researchers beyond the field of health promotion who can contribute new approaches and new areas of application of salutogenesis. The GWG-Sal acts as a bridge between this society and the IUHPE and is responsible for its activities. STARS welcomes anyone with an interest in the science of salutogenesis! Join STARS for free, here

  3. Provide up-dated information on Salutogenesis on the STARS Websiteto share your own news regarding Salutogenesis, please join STARS where you can submit these news.

  4. Organize a regular Webinar Series, Seminars and Conferences on Salutogenesis (see news on the STARS website)

  5. Contribute to upcoming IUHPE Health Promotion Conferences

  6. Produce regular publications on salutogenesis incl. new edition of “Hitchhikers Guide on Salutogenesis”

  7. Develop an EU COST Action proposal for a research network on Salutogenesis



Previous activities 2016-2021

  1. Organize the 6. International Conference on Salutogenesis – advancing Salutogenesis towards thriving societies, 17th-18th June, 2021 in Girona, Spain, linked to the IUHPE European Health Promotion Conference Girona 2021 here . Watch recordings here

  2. Contribute IUHPE Global Health Promotion Conference Montreal, Canada 2022. ( Watch recording of the preconference “Salutogenesis beyond health - towards coherent societies” here



Georg Bauer, University of Zurich, Switzerland 

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Center of Salutogenesis, Division Public & Organizational Health, Institute for Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention, University of Zurich, Switzerland




  Name Institution / area of expertise

Bauer, Georg F. (chair)


Center of Salutogenesis, 
Division Public & Organizational Health, 
Institute EBPI, University of Zurich


Antonovsky, Avishai


Department of Mental Health at the Medical Corpsof the Israeli Defense Forces, Ramat-Gan



Contu, Paulo
Sardu, Claudia

Department of Public health, clinical
and molecular Medicine, University of Cagliari

Daniel, Marguerite


Department of Health Promotion and Development
University of Bergen

Darkwah, Ernest

Department of Psychology, University of Ghana, Accra

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

 Hochwälder, Jacek

Department of Psychology, School of Health, Care and Social Welfare, Mälardalen University


Juvinya, Dolors

Universitat de Girona;
Ibro-Latin network of Sal;
edited the Spanish and Katalan HHG

Langeland, Eva

Department of Health and Caring Sciences, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Lehmann, Anja


Center of Salutogenesis, 
Public & Organizational Health, 
Institute EBPI, University of Zurich


Lindström, Bengt


Center for Health Promotion Research,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology,

Lundström, Sofie

Institutionen för Hälsovetenskap | dep. of Health Sciences
Högskolan Väst | University West
461 86 Trollhättan

Centrum för Hälsofrämjande och Salutogenes

Mana, Adi

School of Behavioural Sciences,
Peres Academic Center
(senior lecturer)


Maass, Ruca



Center for Health Promotion Research,

Norwegian Univerity of Science and Technology,



Meier Magistretti, Claudia


University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, FHNW



Nunes, Luis Saboga


Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública,
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Pérez Wilson, Patricia

Health and Family Medicine Program-
Department of Public Health,
Universidad de Concepción


Roy, Mathieu



University of Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
(Department of Family & Emergency Medicine)

Scientific advisor for the Québec National Institute of Public Health


Sagy, Shifra


Martin Springer Center of Conflict Studies,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negevb, Beer-Sheva


 Jake Sallaway

Sallaway-Costello, Jake


Division of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Nottingham


Shorey, Shefaly


Alice Lee Center for Nursing Studies,
Yong Lo Lin School of Medicine

Tusl, Martin

Center of Salutogenesis, 
Public & Organizational Health, 
Institute EBPI, University of Zurich

Vaandrager, Lenneke

Bouwman, Laura

Department of Social Sciences,

Health and Society, Wageningen University



June 19th-20th, 2024:
7th International Conference on Salutogenesis
in Lodz, Poland

In conjunction with the
12th IUHPE European Health Conference on Health Promotion June 17th – 18th 2024.
More information: here

Future directions for the concept of salutogenesis: a position article
G F Bauer M Roy P Bakibinga P Contu S Downe M Eriksson G A Espnes B B Jensen D Juvinya Canal B Lindström A Mana M B Mittelmark A R Morgan J M Pelikan L Saboga-Nunes S Sagy S Shorey L Vaandrager H F Vinje, Health Promotion International, daz057,
Published: 20 June 2019
The Handbook on Salutogenesis, compiling the work of 80 global authors.
It is an open source publication, available for free download at:



Conference Montreal, Canada 2022. ( Watch recording of the preconference “Salutogenesis beyond health - towards coherent societies” here


Organize the 6. International Conference on Salutogenesis – advancing Salutogenesis towards thriving societies, 17th-18th June, 2021 in Girona, Spain, linked to the IUHPE European Health Promotion Conference Girona 2021 here. Watch recordings here.



23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion,

  7 - 11 April 2019, Rotorua, Aotearoa New Zealand

10th IUHPE European Conference and International Forum for Health Promotion research:
September  23rd - 27th 2018, Trondheim, Norway


 Activities 2017:

Symposium and Launch


September 8, 2017, University of Zurich


Center of Salutogenesis - about the origin of positive health



Symposium Zurich Program


 For details and registration, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


New Center of Salutogenesis at the University of Zurich

On September 8 2017 the University of Zurich founds the Center of Salutogenesis with support by a private foundation. The Center aims for the scientific advancement and dissemination of Salutogenesis.

The Center is part of the Division Public and Organizational Health of the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute of the Faculties of Medicine and Sciences. The chair of the center is Georg Bauer.


More information:

Center of Salutogenesis



January 24, 2017, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel


Salutogenesis: The Journey from its Origins at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev to a Global Movement




For details and registration, please contact Sharón Benheim, Martin Springer Center for Conict Studies: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.