GWG on Social Determinants of Health (SDH)

Launched in November 2008, this GWG contextualises and relates health promotion to the SDH agenda, specifically:

  • contributing to the operationalisation of health promotion action for the priority areas proposed by the WHO Commission on SDH;

  • advocating for infrastructure building and institutional progress to support health promotion action in this regard; and

  • providing a health promotion framework for sustainable implementation and measurement of outcomes.



The principal mission of the IUHPE GWG on SDH will consist in contextualising and relating health promotion to the SDH agenda and more specifically by: Operationalising health promotion action for the priority areas proposed by the CSDH and Rio Declaration; Advocating for infrastructure building and institutional progress to support health promotion action in this regard; and Providing a health promotion framework for sustainable implementation and measurement of outcomes.



  • To utilise the IUHPE’s global network to raise awareness, advocate and develop capacities for action on SDH ensuring synergy with the IUHPE’s priority for actions (Non Communicable Diseases, Health Promotion Systems and Sustainable Development)

  • To develop IUHPE activities at global, regional, national, and community levels that advance policy and action on (health) equity, including but not limited to:

    • Convening policy dialogues on governance for better decision-making,

    • Collaborating on measurement and monitoring issues that support evidence-based decision making and implementation accountability processes,

    • Contributing to capacity building for professionals and decision makers through the development of tools, infrastructure and leadership.

    • Developing tools and models to facilitate dialogue and framing of SDH issues, specifically, a portfolio of approaches that might be suited to varying regional and political contexts.

    • Building a theoretical framework for SDH approach to health promotion.

  • To engage in the Global Programme on Health Promotion Effectiveness to consolidate and building evidence base for health promotion effectiveness on equity through action on the SDH (including surveillance, measurement/monitoring and evaluation methodologies), and support alliances and dialogue with other evidence networks in relation to SDH issues that seek to bring forward the outcomes of the CSDH.

  • To include opportunities for knowledge exchange, and debate and dialogue on health promotion action on SDH to improve health equity in the scientific program of regional and global conferences and most significantly those of the IUHPE 2013 World Conference on Health Promotion (Pattaya, Thailand, August 25th -29th).

  • To liaise with other IUHPE Global Working Groups to ensure incorporation of applying a health equity lens to the scientific agenda and activities of the IUHPE, in adherence with its mission to support equity between and within countries.



Dr. Ankur Singh Ph.D., MSc (Dental Public Health), B.D.S
Centre for Health Equity & Centre for Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Melbourne School Population and Global Health, Australia

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Dr. Erma Manoncourt Ph.D., MSW (clinical/psychiatric specialization), B.A. in Psychology (co-chair)
President, M&D Consulting, Inc.

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Sylvie Stachenko, Marilyn Rice, Edmund Agbeve, Hannah Badland, Gerry Eijkemans and Priya Balasubramaniam.


GWG SDH members’ roles and responsibilities

Members will be responsible for:

  • Identifying areas of leadership, contribution and interest in the GWG SDH work plan;

  • Taking leadership with respect to the development of specific activities detailed in the work plan;

  • Participating in email exchanges, occasional teleconferences, and face to face meetings when possible to advance the work of the GWG SDH;

  • Signalling opportunities for pursuing additional resources to support the work plan of the GWG SDH;

  • Ensuring efforts to connect with other relevant groups or organisations from their networks with which the GWG SDH should be linking up for greater impact and reach.


GWG SDH Chair(s)’s roles and responsibilities

The Chairs(s) of the GWGs will be responsible for:

  • Coordinating the overall development and implementation of the GWG on SDH work plan

  • Actively participating in the preparation of the scientific programme of the IUHPE World Conferences (and regional conferences) through participation in the GWGs liaison committee for the Global Scientific Committtee 

  • Liaising with other GWG’s chairs in order to ensure synergies and mutual support were appropriate

  • Reporting to Vice President for Scientific Affairs, on a regular basis and formally bi annually 

  • Being the focal point for the organization on issues related to SDH (to be confirmed depending on the identification of focal points for each priority action of the organization)



COVID-19: Blending social determinants of health and intensifying existing health inequities

Active authors: Ankur Singh, Erma Manoncourt, Sylvie Stachenko, Marilyn Rice and Edmund Agbeve

This statement of the IUHPE Global Working Group on Social Determinants of Health (GWG on SDOH) highlights that both the determinants and consequences of COVID-19 are driven socially, politically and economically. They argue that the current COVID-19 crisis will aggravate social inequalities in health outcomes in both the immediate and long-term, and within and between countries, unless responses across all levels of decision-making consider its social and economic origins and consequences. The IUHPE GWG on SDOH offers a list of suggestions to avoid aggravating inequalities.


English | Français | Espagnol


COVID-19: Un mélange des déterminants sociaux de la santé et une exacerbation des inégalités de santé existantes  - Groupe de Travail de l’UIPES à l’échelle mondiale sur les déterminants sociaux de la santé

Auteurs : Ankur Singh, Erma Manoncourt, Sylvie Stachenko, Marilyn Rice et Edmund Agbeve  

Cette déclaration du Groupe de travail mondial de l’UIPES sur les déterminants sociaux de la santé souligne que les déterminants et les conséquences de la COVID-19 sont effectivement déterminés socialement, politiquement et économiquement. Ils font valoir que la crise actuelle de la COVID-19 aggravera les inégalités sociales dans les résultats de santé à court et à long terme, de même qu’à l’intérieur des pays et entre eux, à moins que les réponses à tous les niveaux de prise de décision ne tiennent compte de ses origines et conséquences sociales et économiques. Le Groupe de Travail propose une liste de suggestions pour éviter d’aggraver les inégalités.

COVID-19: Combinar los determinantes sociales de la salud e intensificar las inequidades existentes de la salud. Grupo Mundial de Trabajo de la UIPES sobre los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud

Autores activos: Ankur Singh, Erma Manoncourt, Sylvie Stachenko, Marilyn Rice y Edmund Agbeve  

La declaración de este Grupo Mundial de Trabajo de la UIPES destaca que los determinantes sociales de la salud y las consecuencias de la COVID-19 están determinados social, política y económicamente. Los autores argumentan que la actual crisis de la COVID-19 va a empeorar las inequidades sociales en salud ahora y a largo plazo, dentro de los países y entre estos, a menos que las respuestas que se intenten a todo nivel consideren sus orígenes sociales y económicos, así como sus consecuencias. Este Grupo de Trabajo de la UIPES presenta una lista de sugerencias para evitar que se agraven las inequidades.