Background to the System

The IUHPE Health Promotion Accreditation System builds on internationally agreed definitions of Health and Health Promotion as defined in World Health Organisation (WHO) Charters and Declarations on Health Promotion. The System also builds on international experience and research in competency based approaches to Health Promotion, including the Galway Conference Consensus Statement on Domains of Core Competency, Standards and Quality Assurance for Building Global Capacity in Health Promotion, the CompHP Project and other competency frameworks developed globally.

The key points in the System's development are:

  • 2004: An IUHPE EURO Sub-Committee was established with a remit to examine the accreditation of Health Promotion training and education in Europe.

  • 2007: The Galway Consensus Conference Statement on Domains of Core Competency, Standards and Quality Assurance for Building Global Capacity in Health Promotion is published.

  • 2008: A feasibility Study (click here) showed support for the development of a pan-European Health Promotion accreditation system.

  • 2009-2012: The CompHP Project developed Core Competencies, Professional Standards and a Pan-European Accreditation Framework which form the basis for the IUHPE Health Promotion Accreditation System.

  • 2012: The IUHPE Working Group on Competencies and Workforce Development (CWDG) was established to further develop quality assurance systems for Health Promotion building on the findings of the CompHP Project, in the EU and ultimately at the global level.

  • 2013: The CWDG obtained funding from the European Union to pilot the IUHPE European Accreditation System building on the work of the CompHP Project.

  • 2014-2016: The IUHPE European Health Promotion Accreditation System undertook approval of NAOs, accreditation of Health Promotion courses and registration of Health Promotion practitioners within the European Region.

  • 2016: Following expressions of interest and proposals from other regions, the IUHPE Executive Board approves the expansion of the System to the Global level and the IUHPE Health Promotion Accreditation System was launched at the 22nd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion in Curitiba, Brazil, May 2016.


The frameworks developed by the CompHP (Competencies in Health Promotion) Project 2009-2012,together with experience and research undertaken internationally, form the basis for the IUHPE Health Promotion Accreditation System.


The CompHP Project aimed to develop competency-based standards and an accreditation system for health promotion practice, education and training that positively impact on workforce capacity to deliver public health improvement in Europe.


The Project used consensus-building approaches to establish the means and methods by which quality governance standards in Health Promotion could be implemented across Europe to stimulate innovation and best practice.


The CompHP Project received funding from the European Union, in the Framework of the Health Programme.





The CompHP Project Handbooks in one volume

The CompHP Project Handbooks in one volume (Italian)

The CompHP Project Handbook (German)

The CompHP Project Handbook (Portuguese)


The CompHP Core Competencies Framework for Health Promotion Handbook (ENG)

The CompHP Core Competencies Framework for Health Promotion Handbook (FR)

These documents are meant to be printed in A4 or Booklet formats


The CompHP Professional Standards for Health Promotion Handbook 

These documents are meant to be printed in A4 or Booklet formats


The CompHP Pan European Accreditation Framework for Health Promotion Handbook

These documents are meant to be printed in A4 or Booklet formats


The CompHP Core Competencies Framework for Health Promotion Flyer ENGLISH




Literature Review - Developing Competencies for Health Promotionappendices

Developing a European Consensus on Core Competencies for Health Promotion Final Report

Mapping the CompHP Core Competencies against academic curricula and exploring accreditation of educational and training programmes

Developing a European Consensus on Professional Standards for Health Promotion  

Testing the implementation of the CompHP Pan European Accreditation Framework in Practice Settings

Developing Consensus on a Pan European Accreditation Framework for Health Promotion

CompHP Conference Report

Draft Templates for the CompHP pan-European Accreditation Framework


For more information on the development of the System see the IUHPE Health Promotion Accreditation System Handbook and information in the links and Resources section.