Links and resources



The aim of the Information Hub is to contribute to and share the knowledge base on Health Promotion workforce capacity development with a particular focus on competency based approaches to accreditation and quality assurance for Health Promotion and related fields.

The Hub will be updated on a regular basis and aims work with individuals and organisations to broaden its scope. If you would like to suggest reports, articles or websites that could be included on the Hub, please contact the System Coordinator.

Please note - there is repetition across headings as some items are relevant to more than one. A short summary of the main focus of each item is provided, together with a web link (where possible).


The CompHP project 


The frameworks developed by the CompHP Project (Competencies in Health Promotion Project 2009-2012),together with experience and research undertaken internationaly, form the basis for the IUHPE Health Promotion Accreditation System.


The CompHP Project aimed to develop competency-based standards and an accreditation system for health promotion practice, education and training that positively impact on workforce capacity to deliver public health improvement in Europe.


The project used consensus-building approaches to establish the means and methods by which quality governance standards in Health Promotion could be implemented across Europe to stimulate innovation and best practice.


The CompHP Project received funding from the European Union, in the Framework of the Health Programme (EAHC Project Number 20081209).


IUHPE Health Promotion Accreditation System Handbook


The following handbook is the basis for all aspects of the sytem, including the application process for Practitioners, Course Providers and National Accreditation Organisations (NAOs) :


CompHP Publications 




The CompHP Project Handbooks in one volume

The CompHP Project Handbooks in one volume (Italian)

The CompHP Project Handbook (German)

The CompHP Project Handbook (Portuguese)


The CompHP Core Competencies Framework for Health Promotion Handbook (ENG)

The CompHP Core Competencies Framework for Health Promotion Handbook (FR)

These documents are meant to be printed in A4 or Booklet formats


The CompHP Professional Standards for Health Promotion Handbook 

These documents are meant to be printed in A4 or Booklet formats


The CompHP Pan European Accreditation Framework for Health Promotion Handbook

These documents are meant to be printed in A4 or Booklet formats


The CompHP Core Competencies Framework for Health Promotion Flyer ENGLISH




Literature Review - Developing Competencies for Health Promotionappendices

Developing a European Consensus on Core Competencies for Health Promotion Final Report

Mapping the CompHP Core Competencies against academic curricula and exploring accreditation of educational and training programmes

Developing a European Consensus on Professional Standards for Health Promotion  

Testing the implementation of the CompHP Pan European Accreditation Framework in Practice Settings

Developing Consensus on a Pan European Accreditation Framework for Health Promotion

CompHP Conference Report

Draft Templates for the CompHP pan-European Accreditation Framework



  • Barry, M.M. Battel-Kirk, B, and Dempsey, C. (2014).Health Promotion Workforce Capacity – Bibliography. Oxford Bibliographies.

  • Barry, M.M. Battel-Kirk, B, and Dempsey, C. (2013).Developing Health Promotion Capacity for addressing NonCommunicable Diseases Globally. In McQueen, D. Ed. Global Handbook on Noncommunicable Diseases and Health Promotion. Springer, USA . pp 417-439.


  • Battel-Kirk, B, Barry, M.M., van der Zanden, G. Contu, P., Gallardo,C., Martinez, A., Speller. and Debenedetti, S (2015). Operationalising and piloting the IUHPE European accreditation system for health promotion. Global Health Promotion 2015; vol. 22, 3: pp. 25-34.

  •  Battel-Kirk ,B,. and Barry, M.M. ( 2013) Developing competency - based accreditation for Health Promotion in Europe. Rev Med (São Paulo). 2013 abr.-jun.;92(2):87-96

    Presents an overview of the development process.

  •  Battel-Kirk, B., Zanden, van der, G., Schipperen, M., Contu, P., Gallardo, C., Martinez, A., Garcia de Sola, S. and Barry, M.M. (2012). Developing a Competency-Based Pan-European Accreditation Framework for Health Promotion. Health Education and Behavior. 39 (6): 672–680. (fee)

    Presents a useful overview of the development process of a European Accreditation Framework for Health Promotion. The resulting Framework outlines the processes for the accreditation of Health Promotion practitioners and Health Promotion education and training by accrediting organizations at national and European levels.

  • Battel-Kirk, B. and Barry, M.M. (2007). Testing the Feasibility of a pan-European Framework for Health Promotion Accreditation. IUHPE, Paris.

    Reports on a feasibility study on implementing a pan-European framework for Health Promotion accreditation in the context of Health Promotion systems and structures within participating countries and explores the barriers to and drivers for the development of an accreditation system in the complex European context

  • Gallardo. Martinez, A., Zeugma, M., Garcia de Sola, S. and the CompHP Project Partners. (2012). Testing the implementation of the CompHP Pan European Accreditation Framework in Practice Settings IUHPE, Paris.

    Presents findings from in-depth country studies, focusing on five countries, demonstrate the levels of Health Promotion development ranging from high to little or none and how this may impact on implementing accreditation.

  • Santa-María Morales, A. and Barry, M.M. (2007). Scoping Study on Training, Accreditation and Professional Standards in Health Promotion in Europe. IUHPE, Paris

    Presents the findings of a scoping study carried out in 2005/6 to determine the extent of training professional standards and accreditation in Health Promotion in Europe.

  • Santa-María Morales, A., Battel–Kirk, B., Barry, M.M, Bosket, L., Kasmel, A. and Griffiths, J. (2009). Perspectives on Health Promotion competencies and accreditation in Europe. Global Health Promotion, 16 (2) 21-32.

    Discusses competency-based accreditation for Health Promotion in the European context including an overview of national-level accreditation processes in the UK, Estonia and The Netherlands.

  • Zanden, van der, G., Battel-Kirk, B., Schipperen, M. and the CompHP Project Partners. (2012a). The CompHP Core Pan European Accreditation Framework Handbook. IUHPE, Paris.

    Presents a Pan European Accreditation Framework which builds on the CompHP Core Competencies and Professional Standards. Includes details on development processes used.

  • Zanden, van der, G., Battel-Kirk, B., Schipperen, M., and the CompHP Project Partners (2012 b).Developing Consensus on a Pan European Accreditation Framework IUHPE, Paris.

    A detailed report on the development of a Pan European Accreditation Framework using consensus building with the Health Promotion community in Europe


  • Speller, V., Parish, R., Davison, H., Zilnyk, A. and the CompHP Project Partners (2012a). Developing Consensus on the CompHP Professional Standards for Health Promotion. Health Education and Behavior. 39(6): 663-671.

    Describes the development of competency-based standards for Health Promotion in Europe that were developed as part of the CompHP Project using a consensus-building process with the Health Promotion community in Europe.

  • Speller, V., Parish, R., Davison, H., Zilnyk, A. and the CompHP Project Partners (2012b). Developing a European Consensus on the CompHP Professional Standards for Health Promotion. IUHPE, Paris 

    Details the development of the CompHP Professional Standards for Health Promotion in Europe using a consensus building process with the Health Promotion community in Europe.

  • Speller, V., Smith, B.J. and Lysoby, L. (2009). Development and utilization of professional standards in Health Education and Promotion: US and UK experiences. Global Health Promotion, 16 (2): 32—41)

    An overview of the use of standards in the credentialing processes of Health Promotion and Education specialists, credentialing or registering agencies related to Health Promotion and education in the US and UK.


  • Barry, M.M., Battel-Kirk, B., Davison, H., Dempsey, C., Parish, R., Schipperen, M., Speller, V., Zanden, van der, G., Zilnyk, A., and the CompHP Project Partners. (2012). The CompHP Project Handbooks. IUHPE, Paris. 

    Comprises three Handbooks developed as part of the CompHP Project. Includas the CompHP Professional Standards for health Promotion.

  • Speller, V., Parish, R., Davison, H., Zilnyk, A. and the CompHP Project Partners (2012). The CompHP Professional Standards for Health Promotion IUHPE Paris. 

    Presents competency-based sstandards for Health Promotion that were developed as part of the CompHP Project using consensus building approaches that describe the knowledge and skills required for competent practice and measures of competence using performance criteria. Short versions are also available here.


  • Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA). (2009). Core Competencies for Health Promotion Practitioners, Australia.

    Presents a set of core competencies for Health Promotion practitioners, organisations, employers, and educators.

  • Barry, M.M., Battel-Kirk, B., Davison, H., Dempsey, C., Parish, R., Schipperen, M., Speller, V., Zanden, van der, G., Zilnyk, A., and the CompHP Project Partners. (2012). The CompHP Project Handbooks. IUHPE, Paris. 

    Comprises three Handbooks that were developed as part of the CompHP Project, including the CompHP Core Competencies.

  • Barry, M.M., Battel-Kirk, B., and Dempsey, C. (2012). The CompHP Core Competencies Framework for Health Promotion in Europe Health Education and Behavior. 39(6):648-62

    Presents the CompHP Core Competencies Framework for Health Promotion in Europe and the processes involved in its development.

  • Dempsey, C., Battel-Kirk, B., Barry, M. and the CompHP Project Partners (2011). The CompHP Core Competencies Framework for Health Promotion IUHPE: Paris. 

    Outlines the core domains and competencies necessary for Health Promotion practice. Also available in short forms which have been translated into English, French and Spanish on the CompHP page

  • Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand. (2000). Nga Kaiakatanga Hauora mo Aotearoa. Health Promotion Competencies for Aotearoa–New Zealand

    The first framework developed by the Health Promotion Forum for New Zealand which makes reference to Maori culture and values. Replaced by Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand 2011.

  • Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand (2011) Health Promotion Competencies for Aotearoa-New Zealand

    A revision of the competencies which were published in 2000.

  • Health Scotland (2005). Competencies for Health Promotion Practitioners Health Scotland, Edinburgh.

    Outlines a set of core competencies at Foundation, Core and Advanced levels and the process of developing the competencies.

  • Hyndman, B. (2009). Towards the development of skills-based health promotion competencies: the Canadian experience Global Health Promotion, 16(2): 51-55.

    Presents proposed Canadian Health Promotion competencies and an overview of the process used in their development.


  • Allegrante, J. P., Barry, M. M., Airhihenbuwa, C. O., Auld, M. E., Collins, J., Lamarre, M. C., et al. (2009). Domains of core competency, standards, and quality assurance for building global capacity in health promotion: The Galway Consensus Conference Statement. Health Education and Behavior, 36(3):476-482.

    A report on the Galway Consensus Conference, which aimed to promote international collaboration on competency approaches to Health Promotion and Health Education.

  • Barry, M.M., Battel-Kirk, B., and Dempsey, C. (2012). The CompHP Core Competencies Framework for Health Promotion in Europe. Health Education and Behavior. 39(6):648-62

    Describes the CompHP Core Competencies Framework for Health Promotion in Europe and their development.

  • Barry, M.M., Allegrante J.P., Lamarre, M.C., Auld. M.E. and Taub, A. (2009). The Galway Consensus Conference: international collaboration on the development of core competencies for health promotion and health education. Global Health Promotion, 16(2):05-11.

    Describes the Galway Consensus Conference and the Consensus Statement that outlines the core values and principles, common definitions and the eight core domains of competency agreed at the meeting.

  • Battel-Kirk, B., Barry, M.M., Taub, A., and Lysoby, L. (2009). A review of the international literature on health promotion competencies: identifying frameworks and core competencies Global Health Promotion, 16(2): 12-20.

    A review of the international literature on competencies in Health Promotion, with critical reviews of the methodologies used in their development.

  • Contu, P. Sotgiu, A. and the CompHP Project Partners (2012). Mapping the CompHP Core Competencies against academic curricula and exploring accreditation of educational and training programs. IUHPE, Paris.

    Report on a mapping of competencies against academic curricula. Includes a review of Health Promotion education and training and information on Health Promotion courses across Europe.

  • Dempsey, C., Barry, M.M., Battel-Kirk, B. and the CompHP Project Partners, (2011). ‘Developing Consensus on Core Competencies for Health Promotion. IUHPE, Paris. 

    Report on the development of the CompHP Core Competencies Framework, including the methods used to facilitate consensus-building with European stakeholders.

  • Dempsey, C., Barry, M.M., Battel-Kirk, B and the CompHP Project Partners (2010) Literature Review: Developing Competencies for Health Promotion. IUHPE, Paris. and appendices

    A comprehensive international literature review with detailed accounts of competencies developed in Health Promotion, Health Education and Public Health.

  • Ghassemi, M. (2009). Development of Pan-Canadian Discipline-Specific Competencies for Health Promoter: Summary Report Consultation Results .Health Promotion Ontario.

    Presents information on progress in developing competencies for Health Promotion practice in Canada and a proposed set of competencies.

  • Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand. (2004). A review of the use and future of health promotion competencies for Aotearoa–New Zealand .Ministry of Health, Health Promotion Forum.

    Overview of the implementation of the Forum’s Framework and an assessment of requirements for developing the Health Promotion competencies into national standards.

  • Hyndman, B. (2009). Towards the development of skills-based health promotion competencies: the Canadian experience. Global Health Promotion, 16(2): 51-55.

    Presents proposed Canadian Health Promotion competencies and provides an overview of the process utilised to develop them.

  • James, R., Howat, P., Shilton, T., Hutchins, C., Burke, L., and Woodman, R. (2007). Core Health Promotion competencies for Australia. Curtin University, Perth.

    Explains the process undertaken in 2005 to update the Australian Health Promotion Competencies using a modified Delphi Technique.

  • Meresman, S., Colomer, C., Barry, M., Davies, J.K., Lindstrom, S., Loureiro, 1., and Mittelmark, M. (2004). Review of professional competencies in health promotion: European perspectives. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 21(2):153-159.

    Reviews competencies that were selected and grouped into four core curriculum components that formed the basis for European Masters in Health Promotion (EUMAHP) core curriculum.

  • Moloughney, B. (2006). Development of a Discipline-Specific Competency Set for Health Promoters - Findings from a Review of the Literature. Paper prepared for Health Promotion Ontario

    Summarises existing work on competencies for Health Promotion practice that served as a starting point for identifying core competencies for Canadian health promoters.

  • Santa-María Morales, A., Battel–Kirk, B., Barry, M.M, Bosket, L., Kasmel, A. and Griffiths, J. (2009). Perspectives on Health Promotion competencies and accreditation in Europe. Global Health Promotion, 16 (2) 21-32.

    Discusses competency-based accreditation for Health Promotion in the European context including an overview of national-level accreditation processes in the UK, Estonia and The Netherlands.

  • Shilton, T. (2009). Health Promotion Competencies: providing a road map for health promotion to assume a prominent role in global health. Global Health Promotion, 16(2):42-46.

    Comments on how the Galway Consensus Statement can be used to advance professional standards globally by providing a common language for Health Promotion and a framework for capacity building.

  • Shilton, T., Howat, P., James, R., Hutchins, C. and Burke, L. (2008). Potential uses of health promotion competencies. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 19(3):184-8.

    Findings from workshops that conclude that competencies have the potential to impact on recruitment, training, employment policy and Health Promotion practice.

  • Shilton, T., Howat, P., James, R., Burke, L., Hutchins, C. and Woodman, R. (2008). Health promotion competencies for Australia 2001-5: trends and their implications. Promotion and Education. 15(2):21-26.

    Describes the methods used to update Health Promotion core competencies in Australia in 2005 using a modified Delphi technique.

  • Shilton, T., Howat, P., James, R. And Lower, T. (2003) Review of competencies for Australian health promotion. Promotion and Education. 10(4):162-171.

    Reports on the Health Promotion Competencies Project undertaken during the early to mid 1990’s.


Please find below a list of articles presenting the background and context to competency based approaches to Health Promotion :

  • Allegrante, J.P., Barry, M.M., Auld, M.E. and Lamarre, M.C. (2012). Galway revisited: tracking global progress in core competencies and quality assurance for health education and health promotion. Health Education and Behavior. 39(6):643-7.

    An update on competency based approaches and quality assurance for Health Promotion since the Galway Consensus Statement (2009).

  • Allegrante, J. P., Barry, M. M., Airhihenbuwa, C. O., Auld, M. E., Collins, J., Lamarre, M. C., et al. (2009). Domains of core competency, standards, and quality assurance for building global capacity in health promotion: The Galway Consensus Conference Statement Health Education and Behavior, 36(3):476-482.

    A report on the Galway Consensus Conference that aimed to promote international collaboration on competency approaches to Health Promotion and Health Education.

  • Barry, M.M., Allegrante J.P., Lamarre, M.C., Auld. M.E. and Taub, A. (2009). The Galway Consensus Conference: international collaboration on the development of core competencies for health promotion and health education Global Health Promotion, 16(2):05-11.

    Describes the Galway Consensus Conference and the Consensus Statement that outlines the core values and principles, common definitions and the eight core domains of competency agreed at the meeting.

  • Barry, M.M. (2008). Capacity building for the future of Health Promotion. Global Health Promotion. 2008 Dec, 15(4):56-8

    Outlines the work plan of the IUHPE Global Vice President for Capacity Building, Education and Training over the period 2007-10 highlighting the need for a trained and competent Health Promotion workforce.

  • Battel-Kirk, B. and Barry, M. (2009). Scoping Study on Health Promotion Workforce Capacity and Education and Training Needs in Low and Middle Income Countries. IUHPE, Paris. 

    Discusses the findings of a scoping study on the capacity for Health Promotion and the priority Health Promotion education and training needs in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs).

  • De Castro Freire, S.B., Costongs, C., and Hagard, S. (2007). Building the Capacity for Public Health and Health Promotion in Central and Eastern Europe .EuroHealthNet, Brussels.

    An overview of capacity frameworks and how they informed capacity development in of eastern European countries undergoing social and political change.

  • International Union for Health Promotion and Education and Canadian Consortium for Health Promotion Research (2007). Shaping the Future of Health Promotion: Priorities for action. IUHPE, Paris.

    Discusses the importance of building a competent workforce in the context of shaping the future of Health Promotion.

  • International Union for Health Promotion and Education. (1999). The Evidence of Health Promotion Effectiveness: Shaping Public Health in a New Europe. A Report for the European Commission IUHPE, Paris.

    A review of the evidence base for Health Promotion and highlights the need for a skilled workforce that is capable of translating evidence into practice.

  • Onya, H. (2009). Health Promotion competency building in Africa: a call for action Global Health Promotion, 16(2):47-50.

    Discusses the relevance of the Galway Consensus Statement for Health Promotion for capacity development in Africa.

  • Santa-María Morales, A. and Barry, M.M. (2007). Scoping Study on Training, Accreditation and Professional Standards in Health Promotion in Europe. IUHPE, Paris. 

    Presents the findings of a scoping study carried out in 2005/6 to determine the extent of training professional standards and anaccreditation in Health Promotion in Europe.


  • Speller, V., Parish, R., Davison, H., Zilnyk, A. and the CompHP Project Partners (2012a). Developing Consensus on the CompHP Professional Standards for Health Promotion. Health Education and Behavior. 39(6): 663-671.

    Describes the development of competency-based standards for Health Promotion in Europe that were developed as part of the CompHP Project using a consensus-building process with the Health Promotion community in Europe.

  • Speller, V., Parish, R., Davison, H., Zilnyk, A. and the CompHP Project Partners (2012b). Developing a European Consensus on the CompHP Professional Standards for Health Promotion. IUHPE, Paris 

    Details the development of the CompHP Professional Standards for Health Promotion in Europe using a consensus building process with the Health Promotion community in Europe.

  • Speller, V., Smith, B.J. and Lysoby, L. (2009). Development and utilization of professional standards in Health Education and Promotion: US and UK experiences. Global Health Promotion, 16 (2): 32—41)

    An overview of the use of standards in the credentialing processes of Health Promotion and Education specialists, credentialing or registering agencies related to Health Promotion and education in the US and UK.