Health Promotion Courses

Please note: we are in the process of migrating to a new site/platform. The information below is up to date, but the online application forms are not fully functional.

if you wish to gain accreditation for a course or renew your accreditation, kindly write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance.


The IUHPE  Health Promotion Accreditation System provides global accreditation of Health Promotion courses that are assessed as meeting the specified competency-based criteria.


Why apply for accreditation ?


The System offers providers of Health Promotion education and their students:

  • Clear and agreed guidelines and quality standards for the Health Promotion knowledge, skills and values needed to practice effectively and ethically

  • A basis for quality assurance in Health Promotion education and training

  • Assurance that Health Promotion courses offered by providers of education and training provide graduates with the required knowledge and skills for effective Health Promotion practice and that awards are validated based on agreed criteria

  • Facilitation of movement of employment across roles, organisations, regions and countries through the use of recognised Health Promotion qualifications and accreditation

  • Greater recognition and visibility of Health Promotion and the work done by Health Promotion practitioners

  • A reference point for employers in recruitment and selection of employees.

 Students who graduate from accredited courses are automatically eligible to apply to become an IUHPE Registered Health Promotion Practitioner. PLEASE NOTE this only applies to students who graduate AFTER the course is accredited. Those who graduate before the course is accredited may apply using a self assessment process - see the following link.


Accredited courses are listed on the IUHPE Health Promotion System Global Register and can be described as ‘IUHPE Accredited Health Promotion Course'. 


The accreditation of a course is usually for a 3 year period. After 3 years, the course must apply to the IUHPE Accreditation System for re-accreditation. However, if in a 3 year period there are substantial changes to the course content  the IUHPE Assessment Committee must be notified and will undertake a review to ascertain whether a full re-accreditation process is required for the new or adapted course..


What courses are eligible for accreditation within the System ?


Accreditation is available for full courses only (i.e. not modules or parts of courses). Full courses are defined as complete educational programmes  that cover all domains of the IUHPE Core Competencies and Professional Standards for Health Promotion and that can demonstrate how their learning outcomes relate to the defined performance criteria in that document.

NOTE:Eligibility for accreditation is focused on content and not on the title of the course or modules.


The course provider must also provide proof of recognition/accreditation within the relevant education system applicable in their country.


It should be noted that it is the full course which is accredited and not the provider. Thus, should a provider offer more than one relevant course, an application for accreditation must be made for each course separately.



Course providers should apply to the IUHPE Global Accreditation Organisation for the accreditation of full Health Promotion courses. All providers applying for the accreditation of full courses must submit the required application form, together with any documents required to support their application, and pay the required fees.


Course providers must complete a short summary of their course which demonstrates how it relates to the definitions and criteria outlined in the IUHPE Core Competencies and Professional Standards


They must also undertake a detailed self-assessment process, which comprises mapping the course to the IUHPE Core Competencies and Professionals Standards and demonstrate how their learning outcomes relate to the defined performance criteria in that document.


To be accredited within the Accreditation System, full courses must cover all domains of the IUHPE Core Competencies and Professional Standards.


To view a sample application form, please click here


Please read the sample form and the IUHPE Core Competencies and Professional Standards for Health Promotion carefully before applying, as only courses meeting the agreed criteria will be accredited and administration fees are not refundable.


Process diagram at the global level (Excluding NAOs)


The fees for accreditation are paid in two stages:

  • A non-refundable administration fee which is to be submitted with the application.The course will not be submitted for assessment until this fee is paid.

  • An accreditation fee which is requested if the course is assessed as eligible for accreditation, and which must be paid before the course is formally entered into the IUHPE Health Promotion Accreditation System register.


Administration fee

€ 200

Accreditation fee

€ 600


If you wish to pay your fee, please log in .



The application for accreditation of a full Health Promotion course is assessed by two assessors who have undergone training on the System's assessment criteria and processes. The assessors will have substantial experience in Health Promotion and are drawn from across a range of countries, sectors and settings globally. The assessment process is also guided by relevant policies such as  Confidentiality Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy;


The outcome of the assessment process will be that the course is :

  • Eligible for accreditation


  • Conditionally eligible for accreditation subject to receipt of additional information or to clarification within a 4-week period of the applicant being notified. This option applies where only minor adjustments to either the application or small amounts of additional information are required. The information/clarification required will be clearly indicated to you by the Chair of the Assessment Committee. If the required information is not received within the 4-week period and you want to continue with the application you will have to submit, a new application, including repayment of an administration fee.


  • Not eligible for accreditation. You will be given the reasons for the assessors' decision. Should you wish to re-apply in the future this finding will result in the need for a new application and re-payment of administration fee.


If the application is successful and the accreditation fee is paid, the Health Promotion course will be added to the IUHPE Health Promotion Accredited System Global Register, which is updated on a regular basis and may be described as 'IUHPE Accredited Health Promotion Course'.


Revocation/Cancellation of Accreditation


The accreditation of a course can be revoked or cancelled. Decisions on revocation and cancellation of accreditation will be made by the Board of Directors of the IUHPE Global Accreditation Organisation.


Reasons for revoking or cancelling accreditation will include, but are not limited to :


Appeals Procedure


Appeals against decisions not to accredit a course or where accreditation has been cancelled or revoked can be made to an independent Appeals Committee. Information on how to access the Appeals Procedure is available from the System Coordinator.



Applications can be made throughout the  year. Applications are assessed at least twice a year, and usually more frequently.