Why physical activity must be included in the Draft WHO Global Program of Work 2019-2023 and its Impact Framework

Advocacy letter signatories


IUHPE co-signed an advocacy letter calling for the inclusion of physical activity in the WHO GPW 2019-2023 and endorsing the inclusion of a physical activity target in the GPW Impact Framework


Read the full letter.


Excerpt: “Inclusion of physical activity in the WHO GPW 2019-2023 and its explicit inclusion in the Impact Framework is essential to advance the WHO Global Action Plan on NCDs, the new Draft Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (to be considered by the WHO General Assembly in May 2018), and the contribution by WHO to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The world is ready and willing to embrace a global action plan on physical activity. It looks to WHO to take the lead. It is time to capitalize on progress made so far and achieve real change in reducing physical inactivity through its inclusion as a central component of the WHO 2019-2023 agenda.

The undersigned agencies remain prepared to assist to this end.”


IUHPE also supported, together with NCD Alliance and the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH), the statement submitted by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) concerning agenda item 4.2 Physical activity for health of the 142th session of the WHO Executive Board meeting.


Read it here.

January 2018