The International Union for Health Promotion and Education remains committed to the fight for the prevention and control of Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and continues to be represented at World Health Organisation key meetings.

Following the UN High-level Meeting on NCDs held on September 2018, the WHO Civil Society Working Group on NCDs has been reformed and its mandate has been extended to engage the NCD agenda with the High-level meeting on Universal Health Coverage. This meeting will take place on 23 September 2019 during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) high-level week. Trevor Shilton, IUHPE Vice president for Advocacy, has been reappointed to this group.

IUHPE Executive Director, Liane Comeau (in the photo with José Luis Castro, IUHPE VP for Finance), is attending the World Health Assembly, in Geneva, Switzerland, 20-28 May 2019, and presented a statement regarding point 11.8 of the Agenda: Follow-up to the high-level meetings of the United Nations General Assembly on health related issues - Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases.

You can read it in full here. Statements by non-State actors in official relations with WHO are published here.

Liane Comeau also had the opportunity participate on behalf of Trevor Shilton in the second meeting of the WHO Civil Society Working Group to continue momentum from the last year's High-level meeting and mobilize for the High-level meeting on Universal Health Coverage. 

For more information on IUHPE's strategy to tackle NCDs, we invite you to read our position statement: “Beating NCDs equitably – ten system requirements for health promotion and the primary prevention of NCDs.” IUHPE contends the failure to invest in, establish or strengthen the fundamental system supports for primary prevention and health promotion are the primary impediments to sustained implementation of NCD prevention and control. 

Reducing the burden of NCDs is only possible if governments invest in health promotion systems and services. These include the sustainable financing of strong health promotion institutions, a capable health promotion workforce and proven health promotion initiatives.