IUHPE has submitted a statement on occasion of the 70th Session of WHO Regional Committee for Europe, 14-15 September 2020, regarding the agenda item on the European Programme of Work (2020–2025) – “United Action for Better Health in Europe.” 

In this statement, IUHPE argues that the new European Programme of Work 2020–2025 presents an opportunity for a renewed focus on integrating health promotion as an essential component of modern health systems in Europe. On behalf of our members in the European region, we strongly endorse the focus on promoting health and well-being in the new programme, alongside universal health coverage (UHC) and protecting against health emergencies.

IUHPE also calls on the WHO Regional Office for Europe to:

  • Strengthen health promotion systems in the European region in order to enhance capacity to meet the health challenges of the unfolding COVID-19 impact and its aftereffects, the NCD and mental health crisis, and planetary health.

  • Develop further the health promotion capacity within WHO’s own structures through appointing high-level technical staff that will provide strategic leadership for health promotion in the European region and ensure that health promotion is integrated fully and implemented across the new programme of work.

We invite you to read IUHPE's full statement.