EU-Determine Project (→ 2010)

DETERMINE is an EU wide project that aims to stimulate action and raise awareness on the socio-economic determinants of health inequalities, bringing together a Consortium of over 50 health bodies, public health and health promotion institutes, governments and various other organisations from 26 European countries.


The Consortium's activities are undertaken through the work of seven work packages, each led by different organizations and as follows:

  • Consortium, led by EuroHealthNet

  • Coordination, led by the National Institute of Public Health, Czech Republic

  • Dissemination, led by the Federal Centre for Health Education (BzgA), Germany

  • Evaluation, led by the Finish Center for Health Promotion

  • Innovative approaches, led by the National Social Marketing Center, England

  • Evidence, transferability and cost-effectiveness, led by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland

  • Capacity Building and Awareness Raising, led by EuroHealthNet and the International Union for Health Promotion and Education


As a main partner in DETERMINE, the IUHPE brings a global dimension to this EU wide initiative, particularly by leveraging its global professional network of members and collaborators to support the work package looking at advocacy and capacity building efforts required to sustain action.


For further information and the Consortium's outcomes, please visit DETERMINE's portal: