
The IUHPE inaugurated its new international Secretariat in Montreal, located at the School of Public Health of the Université de Montréal (ESPUM). The organization's headquarters will stay in Paris, France, even if its support team works from Canada.

Benefiting from the combined efforts of the Université de Montréal, ESPUM, Montreal International and its partners, the Executive Board of the IUHPE decided to establish its international secretariat in Montreal, highlighting the importance of the role of the Quebecois metropolis in the global health network. As an international non-governmental organization, the IUHPE is unique in the field of public health due to its global scope, the diversity of its expertise in the fields of research, practices and policy development and its ability to work in several languages. The IUHPE brings together people and institutions from around the world dedicated to the different areas of health promotion, including the development and transfer of knowledge, working in partnership, health-promoting environments, social determinants of health, prevention and control of diseases and health risks.   



“Welcoming the IUHPE International Secretariat in Montreal is excellent news for public health in Quebec, Canada and North America. This new proximity to IUHPE international actors will allow a better synergy for future and fruitful collaborations. Montreal is at the crossroads of Francophone, Anglo-Saxon and North American traditions in public health, making it a strategic choice to establish an international organization such as the IUHPE in our territory. This decision will strengthen the role of ESPUM in Quebec, and on the Canadian and international scenes,” explained Professor Réjean Hébert, dean of ESPUM.

“Montreal is home to more than 60 international organizations, the largest community in Canada and North America, just after Washington and New York. The arrival of a flagship organization such as the IUHPE helps to strengthen and promote this unique ecosystem, in addition to positioning the metropolis at the heart of international discussions on public health,” declared Mr. Hubert Bolduc, President and Chief Executive Officer, Montreal International. "We know how strategic international organizations are for Montreal and it is fundamental to support them to see them grow in our metropolis," he added.

“We at the IUHPE are delighted to be opening our new office in Montreal. The support and encouragement we have received from Montreal International, city, province and federal agencies, and the University of Montreal’s ESPUM have been instrumental in our decision to create our secretariat in Canada. With the publication of the Ottawa Charter in 1986, Canada has demonstrated its commitment to and leadership in health promotion, and therefore it makes sense that the IUHPE would set up an office here. We look forward to building on our past links and to forging new ones to take forward global health issues, and, of course, using our network to help colleagues in Montreal, the Province of Quebec and across Canada,” stated Mr. Graham Robertson, President of the Executive Board of the IUHPE.

The inauguration of the International Secretariat of the IUHPE took place in the presence of representatives from the government of Canada, the public health scientific community of Montreal, Quebec and the members of the Executive Board of the IUHPE.


Launch of the fourth edition of the book « Health Promotion in Canada »

On this occasion, illustrating the joint capacity of IUHPE and its Canadian partners to disseminate knowledge, the fourth edition of the book "Health Promotion in Canada" was presented by Ms. Katherine Frohlich. This publication will certainly continue to be a reference in the field to all those working on public health in Canada and elsewhere in the world. The book is published in Canadian Scholars/Women's Press.

About Montreal International 

Created in 1996, Montreal International (MI) is a non-profit organization funded by the private sector, the governments of Quebec and Canada, the Montreal Metropolitan community and the city of Montreal. MI's mandate is to attract foreign investment, international organizations and skilled workers in the metropolitan area by providing them with support services tailored to their needs.



École de santé publique de l’Université de Montréal (ESPUM) is the only institution of its kind in Quebec and a leader in Canada and the French-speaking world. It is a centre of excellence and critical reflection in teaching, research and knowledge translation in all fields of public health. Drawing on scientific knowledge and expertise, ESPUM offers its students high-quality graduate programs. It is also the only French-speaking establishment accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health.


November, 2017

The IUHPE was pleased to be given the opportunity to comment on the WHO Draft Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA). The IUHPE submission can be found here. We remain committed and willing to assist in future development of the important processes for the GAPPA, particularly in relation to advocacy, translation and implementation.



The Executive Board of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) proposes a work plan for the period 2017-2019. Please read here

A Spanish version is available here.



The IUHPE welcomes José Luis Castro to the organization as its newest Global Vice-President for Finance and Internal Control. He was appointed by the IUHPE Executive Board at its meeting on 5th December 2016.

José Luis Castro is the Executive Director of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. He is also the President and Chief Executive Officer of Vital Strategies, and he serves as the Chair of the NCD Alliance Steering Group.
Mr. Castro brings over 25 years of experience in public health management to the IUHPE. As the Vice President for Finance and Internal Control, he will be working with the President, Vice President for Administration and Executive Director to ensure the development and implementation of systems of internal control to effectively manage the IUHPE’s financial and human resources.

The Curitiba Statement on Health Promotion and Equity is now available for download in English and in Spanish.


The International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) is a global, independent and professional network in the field of health promotion. Established in 1951 the IUHPE maintains its commitment to advancing health equity by facilitating knowledge exchange among researchers, practitioners and policy-makers; and by developing and disseminating global knowledge on effective programmes and policies.

Every 3 years the IUHPE hosts a world conference. In May 2016 over 2000 delegates attended the 22nd World Conference on Health Promotion in Curitiba, Brazil.  A key legacy document is the Curitiba Statement: based on the submissions from conference participants it takes the form of 21 recommendations.

The IUHPE Global Working Group on Salutogenesis has released a new publication, The Handbook of Salutogenesis. This book is entirely Open Access and presents an in-depth survey of the field of Salutogenesis.

This publication was edited by Maurice B. Mittelmark (President of the IUHPE 2001-2007, IUHPE Vice President for Communications 2007-2010, and former Editor-in-Chief of the IUHPE's journal Global Health Promotion), Shifra Sagy, Monica Eriksson, Georg F. Bauer (current Chair of the IUHPE GWG-Salutogenesis), Jürgen M. Pelikan, Bengt Lindström (current elected member of the IUHPE Executive Board and former Chair of the IUHPE GWG-Salutogenesis), and Geir Arild Espnes.


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